"Forced Heirs" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Forced Heirs LAW AND LEGAL

In Louisiana. Those persons whom the testator or donor cannot deprive of the portion of hia estate reserved for them by law, except in cases where he has a just canse to disinherit them. CivU Code La. art. 1495. And see Crain v. Crain, 17 Tex. 90; Hagerty v. Hagerty, 12 Tex. 456; Miller v. Miller, 105 La. 257, 29 South. 802

Few words of positivity

The sole philosophy open to those who doubt the possibility of truth is absolute silence -- even mental.

Jacques Maritain, An Introduction to Philosophy

Laugh your heart out.

Criminal: Why don't you hire these twins for the robbery, boss?Criminal Boss: I'm afraid of a double-cross.

addang ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to move the legs so as to walk; to make a step; to pace, walk. Damo na pay …

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For this; for this special pur-pose. An attorney ad hoc, or a guardian or curator ad hoc, Is one appointed …

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Adjudicates LAW AND LEGAL

In French and clvll law. The purchaser at a Judicial sale. Breut v. New orleans, 41 La. Ann. 1098, 6 …

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Aleatory Contract LAW AND LEGAL

A mutual agreement, of .which the effects, with resist both to the advantages and losses, whether to all the parties …

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Alienation LAW AND LEGAL

In real property law. The transfer of tlie property and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, from one person …

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anabaab ILOKANO

n. the sound or echo of speech that is not heard distinctly. Matmaturog da ngata ta awan ti anabaab da. …

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v. /AG-/ to moan or cry because of pain, to expres. pain to say ouch. Nalaing ka la unay nga …

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arapaap ILOKANO

n. dreams, ambition, aspirations. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to dream of, imagine, aspire for. Adu la unay ti ar-arapaapem. You imagine so …

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areng-eng ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to neigh, whinny; to whine, moan. Kasla ka la al-alia nga agar-areng-eng dita suli. You are like a …

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aripapa ILOKANO

v. /-UM-/ to calm down, to tone down, to pipe down. Sa met la umaripapa idi makita na nga agpudotakon. …

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ariring ILOKANO

n. difference, especially a slight one. Kasla da la agkabaat ta bassit la ti ariring da. They are like brothers …

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arus ala balinsiyána n Arroz a la Valenciana. kaldu n rice porridge with chicken. kun kamarun n rice with shrimp. …

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asideg ILOKANO

n. vicinity, neighborhood (of), near (someone or something). Urayen nak idiay asideg ti simbaan. Wait for me near the church. …

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v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to watch, look after, attend to, take care of, guard. Aywanam dayta kabsat mo ta adda la …

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adj. /NA-/ not hot (nor cold), lukewarm. Nabaaw ta inapuyen. The rice is not hot anymore. v. /AG-, -UM-/ 1. …

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v. /AG-/ to leave a trace, mark or impression. Uray la nga nagbakat diay plantsa ti pudot na. The iron …

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balinsiyana CEBUANO

balinsiyána n {1} Arroz a la Valenciana. {2} type of stitch whereby the seam is sewn twice in such a …

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basing ILOKANO

v. /MAI-/ to totter; to buckle at the knees; to stumble. Uray ka la nga maibasbasing ti bartek mon. You …

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In Louisiana. A marine term used to denote a bottom of sand, stone, or rock mixed together and rising towards …

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n. life. Narigat ti biag ditoy ili mi. Life is hard in our town. v. /AG-/ to live, remain alive, …

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