"Fluxure" is a word in ENGLISH

fluxure ENGLISH

The quality of being fluid.

fluxure ENGLISH

Fluid matter.

Few words of positivity

Kathy Dewar, my high-school English teacher, introduced me to journalism. From the moment I wrote my first article for the student paper, I convinced myself that having my name in print - writing in English, interviewing Americans - validated my presence here.

Jose Antonio Vargas

Laugh your heart out.

Sometimes women are overly suspicious of their husbands. When Adam stayed out very late for a few nights, Eve became upset. "You're running around with other women," she charged."You're being unreasonable," Adam responded. "You're the only woman on earth." The quarrel continued until Adam fell asleep, only to be awakened by someone poking him in the chest. It was Eve. "What do you think you're doing?" Adam demanded. "Counting your ribs," said Eve.

abditive ENGLISH

Having the quality of hiding.

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ability ENGLISH

The quality or state of being able; power to perform, whether physical, moral, intellectual, conventional, or legal; capacity; skill or …

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abnormality ENGLISH

The state or quality of being abnormal; variation; irregularity.

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The quality or state of being abominable; odiousness.

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aboriginality ENGLISH

The quality of being aboriginal.

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abortiveness ENGLISH

The quality of being abortive.

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Nearly; approximately; with close correspondence, in quality, manner, degree, etc.; as, about as cold; about as high; -- also of …

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absentness ENGLISH

The quality of being absent-minded.

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absoluteness ENGLISH

The quality of being absolute; independence of everything extraneous; unlimitedness; absolute power; independent reality; positiveness.

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absorbability ENGLISH

The state or quality of being absorbable.

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The quality of being absorptive; absorptive power.

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The quality of being abstemious, temperate, or sparing in the use of food and strong drinks. It expresses a greater …

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The quality of being abstersive.

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abstract ENGLISH

That which comprises or concentrates in itself the essential qualities of a larger thing or of several things. Specifically: A …

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abstract ENGLISH

To separate, as ideas, by the operation of the mind; to consider by itself; to contemplate separately, as a quality …

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The quality of being abstractive; abstractive property.

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abstractness ENGLISH

The quality of being abstract.

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abstruseness ENGLISH

The quality of being abstruse; difficulty of apprehension.

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absurdity ENGLISH

The quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment.

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abusiveness ENGLISH

The quality of being abusive; rudeness of language, or violence to the person.

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