"Flouter" is a word in ENGLISH

flouter ENGLISH

One who flouts; a mocker.

Few words of positivity

I was stupid, mad and dead, but the Lord Jesus saved me from my stupidity.

Oppong Amankwaa

Laugh your heart out.

What European capital has the most ghosts? Boodapest!

stigma ENGLISH

One of the apertures of the gill of an ascidian, and of Amphioxus.

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lúkbo - To jump, bound, leap, spring across, pounce upon, clear at a bound. Lúkbo (lumúkbo, maglúkbo) ka pa idálum. …

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slaver ENGLISH

A vessel engaged in the slave trade; a slave ship.

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dimeran ENGLISH

One of the Dimera.

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mercurialist ENGLISH

A physician who uses much mercury, in any of its forms, in his practice.

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To make effeminate or womanish.

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Net having the sense of hearing; deaf.

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normal ENGLISH

Standard; original; exact; typical.

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palahambal HILIGAYNON

palahámbal - (H) Chatterbox, great talker. (pala—, hámbal).

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scambler ENGLISH

1. One who scambles.

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geotic ENGLISH

Belonging to earth; terrestrial.

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hockey ENGLISH

A game in which two parties of players, armed with sticks curved or hooked at the end, attempt to drive …

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pectination ENGLISH

The state of being pectinated; that which is pectinated.

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producer ENGLISH

One who grows agricultural products, or manufactures crude materials into articles of use.

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sermon ENGLISH

To tutor; to lecture.

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adventitious ENGLISH

Added extrinsically; not essentially inherent; accidental or causal; additional; supervenient; foreign.

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