"Flocci" is a word in ENGLISH

flocci ENGLISH

of Floccus

Few words of positivity

By saying that human issues are more important than non-human issues, that violence to humans is more relevant than violence to animals, one forgets that the animal liberation movement implies a message of peace for every being on earth and the opposition against the mindset of oppression. To make a distinction between one violence and another is exactly the root of all violence: Some wouldn't do any harm to those who share with them a flag, a religion, a language, etc. but would easily condemn to suffering and death those who are different. This tragic use of diversity as an excuse to inflict pain on others for a matter of profit and convenience is the cause of suffering for both human and non-human animals.

Mango Wodzak, The Eden Fruitarian Guidebook

Laugh your heart out.

Who is the greatest painter of this century? Pigcasso!


Country people; deriv-ed from the French bourre, (Lat. floccus.) a lock of wool, because they covered thelr heads with such …

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floccus ENGLISH

The tuft of hair terminating the tail of mammals.

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floccus ENGLISH

A woolly filament sometimes occuring with the sporules of certain fungi.

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floccus ENGLISH

A tuft of feathers on the head of young birds.

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