"Flint" is a word in ENGLISH


A piece of flint for striking fire; -- formerly much used,
esp. in the hammers of gun locks.


A massive, somewhat impure variety of quartz, in color
usually of a gray to brown or nearly black, breaking with a conchoidal
fracture and sharp edge. It is very hard, and strikes fire with steel.


Anything extremely hard, unimpressible, and unyielding, like

Few words of positivity

instead of mourning, instead of a moment of silence or a hateful, islamophobic message, how about today we make the world a little brighter?be kinder. be a little gentler, with yourself and others. take more pictures. tell more jokes. be a better human.today is a lot more than a tragedy. today is a birthday. a day of suicide awareness. a wedding. a birth. a new job. today is a kiss and someone on a tarred over warehouse roof whispering about the day the earth stood still and the day it began spinning again.be kind. just be kind. it's time we took this day back for the wild ones, for the fiery eyes, for the happy and the brave and the new. no more mourning. let it just be a sunday.

Taylor Rhodes, calloused: a field journal

Laugh your heart out.

Two parrots are sitting on a perch. The first one says to the other "can you smell fish?".

bantiling HILIGAYNON

bantíling - A kind of very hard stone, usually of a blackish or brown colour, a sort of flint; very …

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batu n {1} rock, stone, pebble. {2} precious stone, kidney stone. {3} s.t. that has hardened. Batu na ang kukakúla, …

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calyon ENGLISH

Flint or pebble stone, used in building walls, etc.

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Highroads or ways pitched with flint or other stones

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crystal ENGLISH

A species of glass, more perfect in its composition and manufacture than common glass, and often cut into ornamental forms. …

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firestone ENGLISH

Iron pyrites, formerly used for striking fire; also, a flint.

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flint glass ENGLISH

A soft, heavy, brilliant glass, consisting essentially of a silicate of lead and potassium. It is used for tableware, and …

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flintlock ENGLISH

A lock for a gun or pistol, having a flint fixed in the hammer, which on striking the steel ignites …

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flintware ENGLISH

A superior kind of earthenware into whose composition flint enters largely.

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flinty ENGLISH

Consisting of, composed of, abounding in, or resembling, flint; as, a flinty rock; flinty ground; a flinty heart.

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frizel ENGLISH

A movable furrowed piece of steel struck by the flint, to throw sparks into the pan, in an early form …

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To yield; to furnish; to produce; to emit; as, flint and steel give sparks.

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gunflint ENGLISH

A sharpened flint for the lock of a gun, to ignite the charge. It was in common use before the …

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hammer ENGLISH

That part of a gunlock which strikes the percussion cap, or firing pin; the cock; formerly, however, a piece of …

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hornstone ENGLISH

A siliceous stone, a variety of quartz, closely resembling flint, but more brittle; -- called also chert.

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ídlab - Spark, scintilla; to emit or throw off sparks, to spark, sparkle, glitter, scintillate. Ang bató nga matíg-a kon …

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In patent law. The act or operation of finding out something new; the process of contriving and producing some-thing not …

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litharge ENGLISH

Lead monoxide; a yellowish red substance, obtained as an amorphous powder, or crystallized in fine scales, by heating lead moderately …

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minium ENGLISH

A heavy, brilliant red pigment, consisting of an oxide of lead, Pb3O4, obtained by exposing lead or massicot to a …

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