"Flanches" is a word in ENGLISH

flanches ENGLISH

of Flanch

Few words of positivity

But this is africa, so hardly anything is normal.

Alexandra Fuller, Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight

Laugh your heart out.

A journalist had done a story on gender roles in Kuwait several yearsbefore the Gulf War, and she noted then that women customarily walkedabout 10 feet behind their husbands.She returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now walkedseveral yards behind their wives.She approached one of the women for an explanation. "This ismarvelous," said the journalist. "What enabled women here to achievethis reversal of roles?"Replied the Kuwaiti woman: "Land mines"

flanch ENGLISH

A bearing consisting of a segment of a circle encroaching on the field from the side.

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flanched ENGLISH

Having flanches; -- said of an escutcheon with those bearings.

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voider ENGLISH

One of the ordinaries, much like the flanch, but less rounded and therefore smaller.

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