"Finitio" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


An endlng; death, as the end of llfe. Blount; Cowell

Few words of positivity

Perfection is pure action that comes with zeal to excel.

Vikrmn, Corpkshetra

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call two birds in love? Tweethearts!

confound ENGLISH

To mingle and blend, so that different elements can not be distinguished; to confuse.

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slabby ENGLISH
council ENGLISH

Act of deliberating; deliberation; consultation.

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buldusir CEBUANO

buldúsir n bulldozer. v [A; a12] work on s.t. with a bull-dozer, bulldoze s.t. Gibuldúsir ang mga payag sa iskuwátirs, …

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earwig ENGLISH

Any insect of the genus Forticula and related genera, belonging to the order Euplexoptera.

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wonder ENGLISH

That emotion which is excited by novelty, or the presentation to the sight or mind of something new, unusual, strange, …

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pasa2 Active Verb: pumasa Definition: (verb) to pass an academic course, an examination, an interview, or the like 2 Definition: …

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beakhead ENGLISH

A small platform at the fore part of the upper deck of a vessel, which contains the water closets of …

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swipistik TAGALOG

swipistik Definition: (noun) sweepstakes

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ganansia ILOKANO

n. gain, profit. v. /AG-:-EN/ to gain, earn as profit. --syn. GANAB.

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quadrate ENGLISH

Squared; suited; correspondent.

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bezique ENGLISH

A game at cards in which various combinations of cards in the hand, when declared, score points.

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notary ENGLISH

A public officer who attests or certifies deeds and other writings, or copies of them, usually under his official seal, …

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billhead ENGLISH

A printed form, used by merchants in making out bills or rendering accounts.

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epiblastic ENGLISH

Of or relating to, or consisting of, the epiblast.

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klas ring n class ring in school.

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dapi-dapi HILIGAYNON

dapî-dápì - Dim. and Freq. of dápì. Nagadapî-dapíay silá nga duhá. The two of them are walking—arm in arm,—side by …

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