"Figural" is a word in ENGLISH

figural ENGLISH

Figurate. See Figurate.

figural ENGLISH

Represented by figure or delineation; consisting of
figures; as, figural ornaments.

Few words of positivity

Praise to our Indian brothers, and the dark face have his due!Thanks to the kindly dark faces who fought with us, faithful and few,Fought with the bravest among us, and drove them, and smote them, and slew.That ever upon the topment roof our banner in India blew.

Alfred Tennyson, Tennyson: Poems

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Where does an Irish person go on a vacation? A: A new bar

apophasis ENGLISH

A figure by which a speaker formally declines to take notice of a favorable point, but in such a manner …

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atlantes ENGLISH

Figures or half figures of men, used as columns to support an entablature; -- called also telamones. See Caryatides.

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bas-relief ENGLISH

Low relief; sculpture, the figures of which project less than half of their true proportions; -- called also bassrelief and …

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In criminal law. Small palters or pasteboards of an oblong or rectangular shape, on which are printed figures or points, …

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delineate ENGLISH

To indicate by lines drawn in the form or figure of; to represent by sketch, design, or diagram; to sketch …

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device ENGLISH

An emblematic design, generally consisting of one or more figures with a motto, used apart from heraldic bearings to denote …

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Small cubes of bone or ivory, marked with figures or devices on their sev-eral sides, used in playing certain games …

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Any large, rapacious bird of the Falcon family, esp. of the genera Aquila and Haliaeetus. The eagle is remarkable for …

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ellipse ENGLISH

An oval or oblong figure, bounded by a regular curve, which corresponds to an oblique projection of a circle, or …

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enorthotrope ENGLISH

An optical toy; a card on which confused or imperfect figures are drawn, but which form to the eye regular …

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figurative ENGLISH

Relating to the representation of form or figure by drawing, carving, etc. See Figure, n., 2.

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figured ENGLISH

Free and florid; as, a figured descant. See Figurate, 3.

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george ENGLISH

A figure of St. George (the patron saint of England) on horseback, appended to the collar of the Order of …

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herborize ENGLISH

To form the figures of plants in; -- said in reference to minerals. See Arborized.

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hermes ENGLISH

Originally, a boundary stone dedicated to Hermes as the god of boundaries, and therefore bearing in some cases a head, …

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The figure or picture of any object formed at the focus of a lens or mirror, by rays of light …

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inversion ENGLISH

A peculiar method of transformation, in which a figure is replaced by its inverse figure. Propositions that are true for …

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layman ENGLISH

A lay figure. See under Lay, n. (above).

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To direct the eyes for the purpose of seeing something; to direct the eyes toward an object; to observe with …

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mil n thousand. Ang balur sa ákung awtu trayinta mil, My car is worth thirty thousand pesos. v see disiutsu. …

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