"Fibster" is a word in ENGLISH

fibster ENGLISH

One who tells fibs.

Few words of positivity

The selfish and self-centered have a hard time being kind, even though you and I know that kindness is a source of relief to the soul.

Janvier Chouteu-Chando, The Girl on the Trail

Laugh your heart out.

Q. How do you know a blonde has been using the computer?A. There is cheese in front of the mouse.


abir {1} particle used in calling attention to a point in con-tention. Ang diyus makagagáhum. Abir, unsáun man nímu pagpangutána …

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adtu {1} there (far away, future). Adtu ku higdà sa íla, I will sleep there at their house. {2} will …

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alang-alang CEBUANO

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now. …

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alistu CEBUANO

alistu a {1a} energetic. Alistu siyang mutrabáhu, He works energetically. {b} agile. Alistu siyang milikay, He dodged ag-ily. {2} shrewd, …

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antimanu CEBUANO

antimánu v {1} [A; b5c1] do s.t. early before s.t. else hap-pens. Muantimánu kug lakaw arun dílì hiabtan sa ulan, …

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aróhal - (B) A joker, jester, one who talks ridiculous nonsense exciting laughter. Aróhal siá nga táo. He is full …

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atúbang - The position directly before a person or thing, front, face; to face, stand before, confront. Sa atúbang maáyo …

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badlung CEBUANO

badlung v [A; a12] tell s.o. to stop doing s. t. , admonish. Ang kanáway mubadlung sa tímug, The west …

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balising CEBUANO

balísing v [A; c1] {1} transfer an activity elsewhere. Ibalísing (balisíngun) ni nátung átung ínum, Let us move our drinking …

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A little perforated ball, to be strung on a thread, and worn for ornament; or used in a rosary for …

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bída n {1} adventure, experiences of a person in his lifetime. {2} role in a drama. Kinsay nagdá sa bída …

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A play in which one person is blindfolded, and tries to catch some one of the company and tell who …

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To vaunt one's self; to brag; to say or tell things which are intended to give others a high opinion …

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bug-at CEBUANO

bug-at a {1} heavy. {2} di? cult to accomplish, onerous. Bug-at nga taríya, Di? cult task. Bug-at nga kaakúhan, Heavy …

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bugwak CEBUANO

bugwak v {1} [AN; b6(1)] spit, blow s.t. out of the mouth. Ayaw ibugwak ang tambal, Do not spit the …

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búya n agreement between parents to betroth their young or unborn children. v [A; ac] betroth unborn or young children. …

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cackler ENGLISH

One who prattles, or tells tales; a tattler.

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chirographist ENGLISH

One who tells fortunes by examining the hand.

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To tell or name one by one, or by groups, for the purpose of ascertaining the whole number of units …

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dágiaw - To work—, help in work— without wages,—for nothing,—without pay,—voluntarily,—gratuitously. Nagadágiaw silá sa pagpatíndog sang ermíta. They are working …

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