"Ferrandine" is a word in ENGLISH

ferrandine ENGLISH

A stuff made of silk and wool.

Few words of positivity

Leo resisted the urge to throw a grenade in Frank's face. "I suppose I should know who Pelops was?""He was a prince, won his wife in a chariot race. Supposedly he started the Olympic games in honor of that."Hazel sniffed. "How romantic. 'Nice wife you have, Prince Pelops.' 'Thanks. I won her in a chariot race.

Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Laugh your heart out.

Why was the cannibal fined by the judge? He was caught poaching.

accloy ENGLISH

To fill to satiety; to stuff full; to clog; to overload; to burden. See Cloy.

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antichlor ENGLISH

Any substance (but especially sodium hyposulphite) used in removing the excess of chlorine left in paper pulp or stuffs after …

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apíhis - Maggot, larva, worm, grub, especially that kind bred in putrid meat, musty flour and other food-stuffs.

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applique ENGLISH

Ornamented with a pattern (which has been cut out of another color or stuff) applied or transferred to a foundation; …

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An article of dress, of cloth, leather, or other stuff, worn on the fore part of the body, to keep …

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aróad - (B) To stuff, cram in (food), eat much. Ginaroádan námon ang pagkáon sa ámon píknik. We ate much …

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backboard ENGLISH

A thin stuff used for the backs of framed pictures, mirrors, etc.

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A coarse stuff, usually of cotton, originally made in India. Also, an imitation of this fabric made for export.

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bagéu - Spoilt, rotten, decayed, putrid, tainted (of foodstuffs); to get spoilt, etc. (of food-stuffs). Nagbagéu ang ísdà, kán-on, tinóla, …

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bahál - Stale, flat, sour, of yesterday, applied to palm-wine or toddy; stale, of yesterday, old, applied to meat and …

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A coarse woolen stuff with a long nap; -- usually dyed in plain colors.

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báknal - To swell out, be protuberant, bulge, protrude, (as a full pocket or the like). Nagabáknal ang íya bólsa. …

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balióg - A kind of neckcloth or collar worn by Philippine women; to wear or use such a neckcloth. Iníng …

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barracan ENGLISH

A thick, strong stuff, somewhat like camlet; -- still used for outer garments in the Levant.

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batten ENGLISH

A strip of sawed stuff, or a scantling; as, (a) pl. (Com. & Arch.) Sawed timbers about 7 by 2 …

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baudekin ENGLISH

The richest kind of stuff used in garments in the Middle Ages, the web being gold, and the woof silk, …

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bengal ENGLISH

A thin stuff, made of silk and hair, originally brought from Bengal.

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bengal ENGLISH

A province in India, giving its name to various stuffs, animals, etc.

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bonnet ENGLISH

A soft, elastic, very durable cap, made of thick, seamless woolen stuff, and worn by men in Scotland.

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Country people; deriv-ed from the French bourre, (Lat. floccus.) a lock of wool, because they covered thelr heads with such …

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