"Felter" is a word in ENGLISH

felter ENGLISH

To clot or mat together like felt.

Few words of positivity

A visitor asked Lincoln what good news he could take home from an audience with the august executive. The president spun a story about a machine that baffled a chess champion by beating him thrice. The stunned champ cried while inspecting the machine, "There's a man in there!"Lincoln's good news, he confided from the heights of leadership, was that there was in fact a man in there.

Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville

Laugh your heart out.

Young Vestal was walking in his Florida backyard when an alligator bit him. "Mama!" yelled the boy. "A gator jus' bit off mah foot!" "Which one?" called his mother from inside the cabin. "How the hell should Ah know?!" he shrieked. "They all look alike to me!"

amapulun CEBUANO

amapúlun n blood clots in the womb after delivery. v [b4] have blood clots in the womb after delivery. Giamapúnan …

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batal n hardened part on an otherwise soft or medium-soft sur-face. Dúnay batal sa abukádu, There was a hard spot …

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Having the hair matted with clotted blood.

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To collect into clods, or into a thick mass; to coagulate; to clot; as, clodded gore. See Clot.

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A concretion or coagulation; esp. a soft, slimy, coagulated mass, as of blood; a coagulum.

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To form into a slimy mass.

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To concrete, coagulate, or thicken, as soft or fluid matter by evaporation; to become a cot or clod.

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clotted ENGLISH

Composed of clots or clods; having the quality or form of a clot; sticky; slimy; foul.

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clotter ENGLISH

To concrete into lumps; to clot.

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clotty ENGLISH

Full of clots, or clods.

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clutter ENGLISH

To clot or coagulate, as blood.

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coagulum ENGLISH

The thick, curdy precipitate formed by the coagulation of albuminous matter; any mass of coagulated matter, as a clot of …

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concretion ENGLISH

A mass or nodule of solid matter formed by growing together, by congelation, condensation, coagulation, induration, etc.; a clot; a …

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congealment ENGLISH

That which is formed by congelation; a clot.

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crassamentum ENGLISH

A semisolid mass or clot, especially that formed in coagulation of the blood.

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The coloring matter of the blood; the clotted portion of coagulated blood, containing the coloring matter; gore.

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daglock ENGLISH

A dirty or clotted lock of wool on a sheep; a taglock.

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damílmil - Crust, clot, daub, plaster of mud or dirt on clothes, etc.; to be or become encrusted; plastered, clotted, …

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