"Farrowed" is a word in ENGLISH

farrowed ENGLISH

of Farfow

Few words of positivity

One's desire to be alone, biologists have found, is partially genetic and to some degree measurable. If you have low levels of the pituitary peptide oxytocin--sometimes called the master chemical of sociability-- and high quantities of the hormone vasopressin, which may suppress your need for affection, you tend to require fewer interpersonal relationships.

Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

Laugh your heart out.

Examiner: I think you know very little, if anything at all, about the Bible. Can you quote any passage? Student: 'Judas departed and went and hanged himself.' Examiner: Well, that's a surprise. Can you quote another? Student: 'Go thou and do likewise.'

farfow ENGLISH

To bring forth (young); -- said only of swine.

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