"Fanciless" is a word in ENGLISH

fanciless ENGLISH

Having no fancy; without ideas or imagination.

Few words of positivity

When one fib becomes due as it were, you must forge another to take up the old acceptance; and so the stock of your lies in circulation inevitably multiplies, and the danger of detection increases every day.

William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

Laugh your heart out.

Did you hear about the cannibal family who were caught spying by the witch-doctor? They were given a right roasting.

actualist ENGLISH

One who deals with or considers actually existing facts and conditions, rather than fancies or theories; -- opposed to idealist.

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alhambresque ENGLISH

Made or decorated after the fanciful style of the ornamentation in the Alhambra, which affords an unusually fine exhibition of …

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anindut CEBUANO

anindut short form: nindut a nice, beautiful. Nindut ímung bistídu, You have a beautiful dress on. Kanindut sa pagkáun, What …

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Odd; fantastic; fanciful; grotesque; ludicrous.

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aranya CEBUANO

aranya, aranyas n {1} chandelier. {2} teardrop-shaped pieces of crystal that hang on a chandelier. {3} earring with a pendant …

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avernian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Avernus, a lake of Campania, in Italy, famous for its poisonous vapors, which ancient writers fancied …

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barung CEBUANO

barung n fancy, embroidered shirt with long sleeves used for formal wear. It slips over the head and is worn …

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batu n {1} rock, stone, pebble. {2} precious stone, kidney stone. {3} s.t. that has hardened. Batu na ang kukakúla, …

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A fair for the sale of fancy wares, toys, etc., commonly for a charitable objects.

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berlin ENGLISH

Fine worsted for fancy-work; zephyr worsted; -- called also Berlin wool.

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biscuit ENGLISH

A kind of unraised bread, of many varieties, plain, sweet, or fancy, formed into flat cakes, and bakes hard; as, …

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A fancy; freak; caprice.

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The affections; fancy; imagination.

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cadence ENGLISH

A cadenza, or closing embellishment; a pause before the end of a strain, which the performer may fill with a …

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cambium ENGLISH

A fancied nutritive juice, formerly supposed to originate in the blood, to repair losses of the system, and to promote …

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caprice ENGLISH

An abrupt change in feeling, opinion, or action, proceeding from some whim or fancy; a freak; a notion.

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cariccio ENGLISH

A caprice; a freak; a fancy.

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chimera ENGLISH

A vain, foolish, or incongruous fancy, or creature of the imagination; as, the chimera of an author.

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chimerical ENGLISH

Merely imaginary; fanciful; fantastic; wildly or vainly conceived; having, or capable of having, no existence except in thought; as, chimerical …

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chimerically ENGLISH

Wildy; vainly; fancifully.

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