"Falsely" is a word in ENGLISH

falsely ENGLISH

In a false manner; erroneously; not truly; perfidiously
or treacherously.

Few words of positivity

Think about ethanol again. The benefits of that $7 billion tax subsidy are bestowed on a small group of farmers, making it quite lucrative for each one of them. Meanwhile, the costs are spread over the remaining 98 percent of us, putting ethanol somewhere below good oral hygiene on our list of everyday concerns. The opposite would be true with my plan to have left-handed voters pay subsidies to right-handed voters. There are roughly nine right-handed Americans for every lefty, so if every right-handed voter were to get some government benefit worth $100, then every left-handed voter would have to pay $900 to finance it. The lefties would be hopping mad about their $900 tax bills, probably to the point that it became their preeminent political concern, while the righties would be only modestly excited about their $100 subsidy. An adept politician would probably improve her career prospects by voting with the lefties.Here is a curious finding that makes more sense in light of what we‘ve just discussed. In countries where farmers make up a small fraction of the population, such as America and Europe, the government provides large subsidies for agriculture. But in countries where the farming population is relatively large, such as China and India, the subsidies go the other way. Farmers are forced to sell their crops at below-market prices so that urban dwellers can get basic food items cheaply. In the one case, farmers get political favors; in the other, they must pay for them. What makes these examples logically consistent is that in both cases the large group subsidizes the smaller group.In politics, the tail can wag the dog. This can have profound effects on the economy.

Charles Wheelan, Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science

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What is the strongest animal?A racehorse, because it can take hundreds of people for a ride at once!


In Scotch law. A Ju-dicial declaration that the party abides by the deed on which he founds, in an action …

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Actions Resgissory LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. These are either (1) actions of proper improbatiou for declaring a writing false or forged; (2) actions …

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affectation ENGLISH

An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real; false display; artificial show.

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affected ENGLISH

Given to false show; assuming or pretending to possess what is not natural or real.

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affecting ENGLISH

Affected; given to false show.

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A false or bastard wing. See under Bastard.

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amorpha ENGLISH

A genus of leguminous shrubs, having long clusters of purple flowers; false or bastard indigo.

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ampù v [A; c] {1} pray, worship. Dílì mu ampúan ang mga diyusdíyus, Dont worship false gods. Birhin Maríya, ig-ampù …

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apocryphal ENGLISH

Not canonical. Hence: Of doubtful authority; equivocal; mythic; fictitious; spurious; false.

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In English law. The total renunciatlon of Christianity, by embracing either a false religion or no religion at all. This …

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arillus ENGLISH

A exterior covering, forming a false coat or appendage to a seed, as the loose, transparent bag inclosing the seed …

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arun in order to. Mupaúlì siya arun pag-utaw (nga mangutaw), She is going home to iron. kay in order to, …

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asperse ENGLISH

To bespatter with foul reports or false and injurious charges; to tarnish in point of reputation or good name; to …

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attaint ENGLISH

To find guilty; to convict; -- said esp. of a jury on trial for giving a false verdict.

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attaint ENGLISH

A writ which lies after judgment, to inquire whether a jury has given a false verdict in any court of …

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In old English practice. A writ which lay to inquire whether a jury of twelve men had given a false …

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authentic ENGLISH

Having a genuine original or authority, in opposition to that which is false, fictitious, counterfeit, or apocryphal; being what it …

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azalea ENGLISH

A genus of showy flowering shrubs, mostly natives of China or of North America; false honeysuckle. The genus is scarcely …

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baalite ENGLISH

A worshiper of Baal; a devotee of any false religion; an idolater.

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bakak a be a lie, false. Bakak kaáyu nang íyang diklarasiyun, His allegation is a big lie. v [A; c] …

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