"Fahrenheit" is a word in ENGLISH

fahrenheit ENGLISH

Conforming to the scale used by Gabriel Daniel
Fahrenheit in the graduation of his thermometer; of or relating to
Fahrenheit's thermometric scale.

fahrenheit ENGLISH

The Fahrenheit termometer or scale.

Few words of positivity

In traditional Asian arts, the word and the picture always sit next to each other. I have an aunt, a Chinese brush painter, who told me that when you do a Chinese brush painting, you have to pair the image up with some poetry.

Gene Luen Yang

Laugh your heart out.

A drunken man was wondering around the parking lot of a bar, bumping into every car and then rubbing the roofs of the cars. The manager comes out of the bar and stops the guy. "What the heck are you doing?" he asks the drunk. "I'm looking for my car, and I can't find it." "So how does feeling the roof help you?" He asked the drunk. "Well," the drunk replied. "MY car has two blue lights and a siren on the roof!!"


nipa Definition: (noun) cabo negro (palm)

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air bladder ENGLISH

A sac or bladder full of air in an animal or plant; also an air hole in a casting.

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heavenly ENGLISH

Pertaining to, resembling, or inhabiting heaven; celestial; not earthly; as, heavenly regions; heavenly music.

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disavowal ENGLISH

The act of disavowing, disclaiming, or disowning; rejection and denial.

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sermon ENGLISH

Specifically, a discourse delivered in public, usually by a clergyman, for the purpose of religious instruction and grounded on some …

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duló - A puncture, small hole or wound caused by a prick or the like, especially in the head; a …

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ternary ENGLISH

Containing, or consisting of, three different parts, as elements, atoms, groups, or radicals, which are regarded as having different functions …

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To fish with a gig.

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cacodemon ENGLISH

An evil spirit; a devil or demon.

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láb-on - To put down in disorder, litter the floor, etc. See háb-on.

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hanáyap - Hanáyap nga lugár, hulút, umá, etc. A large space, a spacious room, an extensive farm, etc. (cf. hanáyak, …

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tetraspaston ENGLISH

A machine in which four pulleys act together.

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The perpendicular height of a flag, as opposed to the fly, or horizontal length when flying from a staff.

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reforger ENGLISH

One who reforges.

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tobacconing ENGLISH

Smoking tobacco.

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hydroxylamine ENGLISH

A nitrogenous, organic base, NH2.OH, resembling ammonia, and produced by a modified reduction of nitric acid. It is usually obtained …

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To cause or procure to be; to effect; to exact; to desire; to require.

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subvocal ENGLISH

Same as Subtonic.

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