"Factionist" is a word in ENGLISH

factionist ENGLISH

One who promotes faction.

Few words of positivity

The farmer's way of saving money: to be owed by someone he trusted.

Hugh MacLennan

Laugh your heart out.

Three boys were walking along the beach one day when they see a cave. The first boy goes in and is looking at a banknote on a big rock when a ghostly voice calls out '' I am the ghost of Auntie Abel and this five dollars stays on the table!'' The second boy goes in and is reaching for the money when the same thing happens again.The third boy goes in ,sees the five dollars and cries out,''I am the ghost of David Crockett and this five dollars goes in my pocket!''


In criminal law. An instigator, or setter on; one who promotes or procures a crime to be committed; one who …

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advancer ENGLISH

One who advances; a promoter.

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broacher ENGLISH

One who broaches, opens, or utters; a first publisher or promoter.

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broiler ENGLISH

One who excites broils; one who engages in or promotes noisy quarrels.

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coalitionist ENGLISH

One who joins or promotes a coalition; one who advocates coalition.

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colonizer ENGLISH

One who promotes or establishes a colony; a colonist.

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conveniency ENGLISH

That which is convenient; that which promotes comfort or advantage; that which is suited to one's wants; an accommodation.

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cooperator ENGLISH

One who labors jointly with others to promote the same end.

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educationist ENGLISH

One who is versed in the theories of, or who advocates and promotes, education.

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fartherer ENGLISH

One who furthers. or helps to advance; a promoter.

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favorer ENGLISH

One who favors; one who regards with kindness or friendship; a well-wisher; one who assists or promotes success or prosperity.

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favoritism ENGLISH

The disposition to favor and promote the interest of one person or family, or of one class of men, to …

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forward ENGLISH

To help onward; to advance; to promote; to accelerate; to quicken; to hasten; as, to forward the growth of a …

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forwarder ENGLISH

One who forwards or promotes; a promoter.

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friend ENGLISH

One who looks propitiously on a cause, an institution, a project, and the like; a favorer; a promoter; as, a …

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A play designed to promote or display grace of motion. It consists in throwing a small hoop from one player …

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handà v {1} [A13; b6] plan to do s.t. Naghandà ming mangalígù sa dágat rung Duminggu, We are planning to …

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humanitarian ENGLISH

One who is actively concerned in promoting the welfare of his kind; a philanthropist.

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illuminati ENGLISH

Members of certain associations in Modern Europe, who combined to promote social reforms, by which they expected to raise men …

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inexpedient ENGLISH

Not expedient; not tending to promote a purpose; not tending to the end desired; inadvisable; unfit; improper; unsuitable to time …

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