"Extricate" is a word in ENGLISH

extricate ENGLISH

To cause to be emitted or evolved; as, to extricate
heat or moisture.

extricate ENGLISH

To free, as from difficulties or perplexities; to
disentangle; to disembarrass; as, to extricate a person from debt,
peril, etc.

Few words of positivity

The true order is what the wind creates by scattering the leaves.

Marty Rubin

Laugh your heart out.

Why did Bossy tell the cowpoke to leave her calf alone? She thought children should be seen and not herded!

Accession. Deed Of LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. A deed executed by the credltors of a bankrupt or insolvent debtor, by which they approve of …

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disembarrass ENGLISH

To free from embarrassment, or perplexity; to clear; to extricate.

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disembroil ENGLISH

To disentangle; to free from perplexity; to extricate from confusion.

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disengage ENGLISH

To release from that with which anything is engaged, engrossed, involved, or entangled; to extricate; to detach; to set free; …

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disentangle ENGLISH

To extricate from complication and perplexity; disengage from embarrassing connection or intermixture; to disembroil; to set free; to separate.

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entangle ENGLISH

To involve in such complications as to render extrication a bewildering difficulty; hence, metaphorically, to insnare; to perplex; to bewilder; …

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extricable ENGLISH

Capable of being extricated.

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extrication ENGLISH

The act of sending out or evolving.

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extrication ENGLISH

The act or process of extricating or disentangling; a freeing from perplexities; disentanglement.

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To dig in or under the ground, generally for an object that is difficult to reach or extricate; to be …

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hawad, haw-ad HILIGAYNON

háwad, háw-ad - To take—out of,—away from, liberate, extricate. (cf. háwas, luás, báwì).

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hawas, haw-as HILIGAYNON

háwas, háw-as - To take out or off, deliver from, extract, remove, extricate, set free. Hawasá ang tanán nga mga …

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huáran - (H) Model, etc. See huádan, huluáran, palanganináwan. húas, hú-as, To take out of, extricate, liberate. See háwas, húwas.

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húwas - To extricate, etc. See hú-as.

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inextricable ENGLISH

Incapable of being extricated, untied, or disentangled; hopelessly intricate, confused, or obscure; as, an inextricable knot or difficulty; inextricable confusion.

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líbre - (Sp. libre) Free, untrammeled, unscathed, unhurt; to get free, escape unscathed, etc. Nakalíbre siá. He got off scot-free. …

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outwind ENGLISH

To extricate by winding; to unloose.

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quicksand ENGLISH

Sand easily moved or readily yielding to pressure; especially, a deep mass of loose or moving sand mixed with water, …

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