"Exprobrative" is a word in ENGLISH

exprobrative ENGLISH

Alt. of Exprobratory

Few words of positivity

Memories come back, pressing in on you, like ghost faces in the darkness pushing up the glass, trying to get into the lit room.

Julia Green

Laugh your heart out.

If an electric train travels 90 miles an hour in a westerly direction and the wind is blowing from the north, in which direction is the smoke blowing?There is no smoke from an electric train!


dúaw v {1} [A; a2b2] pay a visit. Duáwun nímu ang ímung trátu? Are you going to see your girl …

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hinúnlan - The slough or cast skin of snakes, cast claws of crabs, etc. (cf. hilinúlwan).

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Nap or down; flue; soft, downy feathers.

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lorgnette ENGLISH
warren ENGLISH

A privilege which one has in his lands, by royal grant or prescription, of hunting and taking wild beasts and …

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assent ENGLISH

To admit a thing as true; to express one's agreement, acquiescence, concurrence, or concession.

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A road for driving cattle; a driftway.

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saltigradae ENGLISH

A tribe of spiders including those which lie in wait and leap upon their prey; the leaping spiders.

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mangungutang HILIGAYNON

mangungútang - Debtor, one who owes a debt or borrows money. (cf. útang).

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ingredience ENGLISH

Alt. of Ingrediency

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sukip v {1} [A; c] include s.t. together with s.t. sent. Isukip ring dukumintu sa ímung aplikisyun, Enclose this document …

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shardy ENGLISH

Having, or consisting of, shards.

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To make a loud, heavy, or hollow noise, as the bittern; to boom.

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tongue ENGLISH

The lingual ribbon, or odontophore, of a mollusk.

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kastonikas HILIGAYNON

kastoníkas - (A corruption of castañetas) Castanets. (See kastanyétas).

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outstorm ENGLISH

To exceed in storming.

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persistency ENGLISH

The continuance of an effect after the cause which first gave rise to it is removed

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A blast; a killing of the ends of plants by frost.

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mender ENGLISH

One who mends or repairs.

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