"Exple-Gia" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


EXPLETIA, or EXPLE-GIA. In old records. The rents and profits of an estate

Few words of positivity

If you aim to be the best then it's essential to evolve constantly, learn from past mistakes, look for new opportunities and have the flexibility to implement improved processes and solutions along the way.

Mark Gallagher

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the dog go to the doctor after a tomato fell on his head?The tomato was in a can.

parboil ENGLISH

To boil in part; to cook partially by boiling.

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That which engirdles a person or thing; a band or girdle; as, a lady's belt; a sword belt.

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bail a for fruit or root crops to be hardened due to exposure to heat or mishandling. Bail ang kamúti …

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Having power to diffuse itself; diffusing itself.

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hagás - Wasted, worn-out, lean, thin, lank, gaunt, skinny, emaciated. (cf. maníwang, mahágpis, mahágwos).

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lavishment ENGLISH

The act of lavishing.

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sphenethmoid ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to both the sphenoidal and the ethmoidal regions of the skull, or the sphenethmoid bone; sphenethmoidal.

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racemose ENGLISH

Resembling a raceme; growing in the form of a raceme; as, (Bot.) racemose berries or flowers; (Anat.) the racemose glands, …

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detrain ENGLISH

To alight, or to cause to alight, from a railway train.

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browse ENGLISH

The tender branches or twigs of trees and shrubs, fit for the food of cattle and other animals; green food.

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tortílya - (Sp. tortilla) Omelet, pancake.

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stone-deaf ENGLISH

As deaf as a stone; completely deaf.

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reside ENGLISH

To have a seat or fixed position; to inhere; to lie or be as in attribute or element.

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linamnam TAGALOG

linamnam1 Definition: (noun) deliciousness; exquisite taste or savor

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allege ENGLISH

To alleviate; to lighten, as a burden or a trouble.

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casque ENGLISH

A piece of defensive or ornamental armor (with or without a vizor) for the head and neck; a helmet.

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kaping CEBUANO

káping n capping ceremonies for nurses. v [A1; b(1)] hold cap-ping ceremonies.

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ipikasint CEBUANO

ipikasint n e? cascent oil, patent medicinal oil. úwil = ipikasint.

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