"Exoticism" is a word in ENGLISH

exoticism ENGLISH

The state of being exotic; also, anything foreign, as a
word or idiom; an exotic.

Few words of positivity

I smelled silt on the wind, turkey, laundry, leaves . . . my God what a world. There is no accounting for one second of it (267).

Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

Laugh your heart out.

Why were you late ?Sorry, teacher, I overslept.You mean you need to sleep at home too !

conservatory ENGLISH

A place for preserving anything from loss, decay, waste, or injury; particulary, a greenhouse for preserving exotic or tender plants.

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exotic ENGLISH

Anything of foreign origin; something not of native growth, as a plant, a word, a custom.

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exotic ENGLISH

Introduced from a foreign country; not native; extraneous; foreign; as, an exotic plant; an exotic term or word.

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exotical ENGLISH

Foreign; not native; exotic.

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extraordinaryo HILIGAYNON

extraordináryo - (Sp. extraordinario) Extraordinary, special, exceptional, abnormal, anomalous, peculiar, out of the common, unusual, uncustomary, unwonted, uncommon, fantastic, grotesque, …

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hotbed ENGLISH

A bed of earth heated by fermenting manure or other substances, and covered with glass, intended for raising early plants, …

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indigenous ENGLISH

Native; produced, growing, or living, naturally in a country or climate; not exotic; not imported.

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menagerie ENGLISH

A collection of wild or exotic animals, kept for exhibition.

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míthì - Indigenous, native, not foreign or exotic. (cf. tumándok).

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peregrine ENGLISH

Foreign; not native; extrinsic or from without; exotic.

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Of or pertaining to a very large natural order of gamopetalous plants (Scrophulariaceae, or Scrophularineae), usually having irregular didynamous flowers …

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Metaphorical; tralatitious; also, foreign; exotic.

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tumándok - A native, one born in the place, indigene, indigenous, autochthonous, not exotic or foreign. (cf. míthì; dumolóong—foreign).

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