"Exaled" is a word in ENGLISH

exaled ENGLISH

of Exhale

Few words of positivity

You will never turn from a sin you don’t hate.

Jen Wilkin

Laugh your heart out.

A Japanese guy is at Los Angeles International Airport, waiting for his flight back home to Japan. While he's waiting, he goes to the currency exchange counter to change his remaining dollars.He counts his money at the counter. "Wait a minute," he says to the clerk, "When I came here I got more dollars for my yen. What's going on here?""Fluctuations." says the clerk.The Japanese man stiffens. "Well! Fluck you Americans, too!"

alingasaw ILOKANO

n. exhalation in the form of vapor, steam, etc. v. /-UM-/ to effuse strong and offensive odor.

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alísbong - Odour, smell, scent, perfume, emanation, vapour emanating from the ground, flowers, etc.; to smell, give off a smell, …

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alísngaw - Vapour, steam arising from the soil, emanation, effluvium, exhalation, miasma, steam, etc.; to give off vapour, to exhale. …

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álito - (Sp. hálito) Breath; vapour, emanation, exhalation, effluvium.

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Any subtile, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as the aroma of flowers, the odor of the blood, …

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avolate ENGLISH

To fly away; to escape; to exhale.

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breath ENGLISH

The air inhaled and exhaled in respiration; air which, in the process of respiration, has parted with oxygen and has …

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breath ENGLISH

Fragrance; exhalation; odor; perfume.

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breathe ENGLISH

To pass like breath; noiselessly or gently; to exhale; to emanate; to blow gently.

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breathe ENGLISH

To exhale; to emit, as breath; as, the flowers breathe odors or perfumes.

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breathe ENGLISH

To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live.

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breathe ENGLISH

To inhale and exhale in the process of respiration; to respire.

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breathing ENGLISH

Respiration; the act of inhaling and exhaling air.

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To throw out or emit; to exhale.

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contagion ENGLISH

That which serves as a medium or agency to transmit disease; a virus produced by, or exhalation proceeding from, a …

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contagious ENGLISH

Communicable by contact, by a virus, or by a bodily exhalation; catching; as, a contagious disease.

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dapóg - (B) Smell, odour, scent, emanation, exhalation, fume, redolence; to give out or emit an odour, to smell, be …

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A luminous exhalation from marshy grounds.

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dragon ENGLISH

A luminous exhalation from marshy grounds, seeming to move through the air as a winged serpent.

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To evaporate wholly; to be exhaled; -- said of moisture, or a liquid; -- sometimes with up; as, the stream …

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