"Exactness" is a word in ENGLISH

exactness ENGLISH

Careful observance of method and conformity to truth;
as, exactness in accounts or business.

exactness ENGLISH

The condition of being exact; accuracy; nicety;
precision; regularity; as, exactness of jurgement or deportment.

Few words of positivity

Companies are accustomed to dismissing employees for misuse of computers at work.

Bill Dedman

Laugh your heart out.

One man's hobby was fishing, he spent all his weekends near the river or lake, paying no attention to weather. One Sunday, early in the morning, he went to the river, as usual. It was cold and raining, and he decided to return back to his house. He came in, went to his bedroom, undressed and laid near his wife. "What a terrible weather today, honey." he said to her. "Yes. And my idiot went fishing!"

accuracy ENGLISH

The state of being accurate; freedom from mistakes, this exemption arising from carefulness; exact conformity to truth, or to a …

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accurate ENGLISH

In exact or careful conformity to truth, or to some standard of requirement, the result of care or pains; free …

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critical ENGLISH

Inclined to make nice distinctions, or to exercise careful judgment and selection; exact; nicely judicious.

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curious ENGLISH

Difficult to please or satisfy; solicitous to be correct; careful; scrupulous; nice; exact.

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elaborate ENGLISH

Wrought with labor; finished with great care; studied; executed with exactness or painstaking; as, an elaborate discourse; an elaborate performance; …

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Habitually careful to agree with a standard, a rule, or a promise; accurate; methodical; punctual; as, a man exact in …

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fidelity ENGLISH

Faithfulness; adherence to right; careful and exact observance of duty, or discharge of obligations.

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íd-id - Exactness, preciseness, precision, accurateness, accuracy, correctness, attention to detail; to be careful, exact, heedful, accurate, precise, correct, conscientious, …

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kalis v {1} [A; a12] flatten off s.t. that heaps up to measure them exactly. Kalisun nátù arun way bintáhà, …

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kuthan CEBUANO

kuthan see kutu. kuti a {1} intricate, requiring close attention and exactness. Kuti kaáyu ang pagburda sa kamut, Hand embroidery …

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maíd-id - Exact, precise, diligent, punctual, painstaking, wary, circumspect, careful, with application or zeal. (cf. íd-id).

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masúsi - Exact, precise, careful, thorough, searching. (cf. súsi, maíd-id, matúl-id, mapísan, maúkud).

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Negligentia LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In the civil law. Carelessness; inattention; the omission of proper care or forethought. The term is not exactly equivalent …

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Done or made with careful labor; suited to excite admiration on account of exactness; evidencing great skill; exact; fine; finished; …

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overexquisite ENGLISH

Too exquisite; too exact or nice; too careful.

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remiss ENGLISH

Not energetic or exact in duty or business; not careful or prompt in fulfilling engagements; negligent; careless; tardy; behindhand; lagging; …

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saláid - To do something—thoroughly,— carefully,—exactly,—precisely,— scrupulously,—perfectly. (cf. íd-id, taláid).

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scrupulous ENGLISH

Careful; cautious; exact; nice; as, scrupulous abstinence from labor; scrupulous performance of duties.

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talahuron HILIGAYNON

talahúron - Honourable, respectable, estimable, venerable, noble, illustrious, meriting—, worthy of—respect,—reverence, distinction. (cf. táhud, talaháon, halángdon, salaulugón). talabókon – talandáan …

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túl-id - Exactness, precision, accuracy, diligence, thoroughness; to be or become exact, precise, etc.; to do something thoroughly, carefully, well. …

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