"Evasion" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


A subtle endeavoring to set aside truth or to escape the punishment of the law. This wlll not be allowed. If one person says to another that he will not strike him, but wlll glve him a pot of ale to strike first, and, accordingly, the latter strikes, the returning the blow is punishable; and, if the person first striking is killed, it is murder, for no man shall evade the justice of the law by such a pretense. 1 Hawk. P. C. 81. So no one may plead ignorance of the law to evade it Jacob

evasion ENGLISH

The act of eluding or avoiding, particularly the pressure
of an argument, accusation, charge, or interrogation; artful means of

Few words of positivity

What a costume designer does is a cross between magic and camouflage. We create the illusion of changing the actors into what they are not. We ask the public to believe that every time they see a performer on the screen, he's become a different person.

Edith Head

Laugh your heart out.

Patient: Hey, that tooth you pulled wasn't the one I wanted pulled.Dentist: Relax, I'm coming to it.


A species of estate at will, or customary estate in England, the only vis-ible title to whlch consists of the …

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Derogatory Clause LAW AND LEGAL

In a will, thls ls a sentence or secret character lnsert-ed by the testator, of whlch he reserves the knowledge …

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Facio Ut Facias LAW AND LEGAL

(Lat I do that you may do.) A specles of contract ln the civil law (being one of the innominate …

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Factio Testamenti LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. The rlght, power, or capacity of mak-lng a wlll; called “factio acth-a" lnst. 2, 10, 6

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Lat In the civll law. To order, dlrect, or command. Calvin. The word jubeo, (I order,) ln a wlll, was …

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Malveilles LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. Ill wlll; crlmes and misdemeanors; malicious practices. Cowell

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Plebiscite LAW AND LEGAL

In modern constltutlonal law, the name "plebiscite" has been given to a vote of the entire people, (that ls, the …

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Unascertained Duties LAW AND LEGAL

Payment in gross, on an estimate as to amount, and where the merchant, on a final liquidation, wlll be entltled …

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