"Evaporable" is a word in ENGLISH

evaporable ENGLISH

Capable of being converted into vapor, or dissipated by

Few words of positivity

I've learned that sometimes a smile represents the greatest form of deceit.

Michael Gilbert, Perfected Sinfulness

Laugh your heart out.

There were 11 people hanging on to a single rope that suspended them from a helicopter trying to bring them to safety. Ten were men; one was a woman. They all decided that one person would have to let go because if they didn't, the rope would break and all of them would die. No one could decide who it should be. Finally the woman gave a really touching speech, saying how she would give up her life to save the others, because women were used to giving things up for their husbands and children and giving in to men. All of the men started clapping.

acidifiable ENGLISH

Capable of being acidified, or converted into an acid.

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alapogón - (H) Fit for—, capable of—, being made into lime; to be converted into lime (for betelnut chewing, building …

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alkalifiable ENGLISH

Capable of being alkalified, or converted into an alkali.

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available ENGLISH

Such as one may avail one's self of; capable of being used for the accomplishment of a purpose; usable; profitable; …

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conversible ENGLISH

Capable of being converted or reversed.

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conversive ENGLISH

Capable of being converted or changed.

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The condition or quality of being convertible; capability of being exchanged; convertibleness.

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convertible ENGLISH

Capable of being exchanged or interchanged; reciprocal; interchangeable.

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convertible ENGLISH

Capable of being converted; susceptible of change; transmutable; transformable.

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diastase ENGLISH

A soluble, nitrogenous ferment, capable of converting starch and dextrin into sugar.

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dissoluble ENGLISH

Capable of being dissolved; having its parts separable by heat or moisture; convertible into a fluid.

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fundable ENGLISH

Capable of being funded, or converted into a fund; convertible into bonds.

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gelable ENGLISH

Capable of being congealed; capable of being converted into jelly.

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The quality or state of being inconvertible; not capable of being exchanged for, or converted into, something else; as, the …

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inconvertible ENGLISH

Not convertible; not capable of being transmuted, changed into, or exchanged for, something else; as, one metal is inconvertible into …

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indorsable ENGLISH

Capable of being indorsed; transferable; convertible.

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invertible ENGLISH

Capable of being changed or converted; as, invertible sugar.

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oxidability ENGLISH

Capability of being converted into an oxide.

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oxidable ENGLISH

Capable of being converted into an oxide.

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peptogenous ENGLISH

Capable of yielding, or being converted into, peptone.

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