"Evangelical" is a word in ENGLISH

evangelical ENGLISH

One of evangelical principles.

evangelical ENGLISH

Belonging to, agreeable or consonant to, or contained
in, the gospel, or the truth taught in the New Testament; as,
evangelical religion.

evangelical ENGLISH

Earnest for the truth taught in the gospel; strict in
interpreting Christian doctrine; preeminetly orthodox; -- technically
applied to that party in the Church of England, and in the Protestant
Episcopal Church, which holds the doctrine of \"Justification by Faith
alone\"; the Low Church party. The term is also applied to other
religion bodies not regarded as orthodox.

evangelical ENGLISH

Contained in, or relating to, the four Gospels; as,
the evangelical history.

Few words of positivity

Many ritually abusive cults deliberately divide the personality system down the middle of the head, making sure that there is no communication between the two sides. “Left side" parts might be instructed to speak to no one other than the perpetrators.

Alison Miller, Becoming Yourself: Overcoming Mind Control and Ritual Abuse

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so old her birth certificate is in Roman numerals.

broad church ENGLISH

A portion of the Church of England, consisting of persons who claim to hold a position, in respect to doctrine …

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