"Estimation" is a word in ENGLISH

estimation ENGLISH

Supposition; conjecture.

estimation ENGLISH

An opinion or judgment of the worth, extent, or
quantity of anything, formed without using precise data; valuation; as,
estimations of distance, magnitude, amount, or moral qualities.

estimation ENGLISH

Favorable opinion; esteem; regard; honor.

estimation ENGLISH

The act of estimating.

Few words of positivity

Romantic Orientalism was fascinated by the color and excitement of a powerful culture, and nearly always approached its subject with love.

Kage Baker

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What thoughts do Blondes have after reading these jokes?A: None, as usual... and they most likely didn't understand them either.

supposal ENGLISH

The act of supposing; also, that which is supposed; supposition; opinion.

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suppose ENGLISH

To make supposition; to think; to be of opinion.

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supposition ENGLISH

That which is supposed; hypothesis; conjecture; surmise; opinion or belief without sufficient evidence.

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