"Eskinita" is a word in TAGALOG

eskinita TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) street corner turning into an alley
Definition: (var) iskinita
Notes: Spanish

Few words of positivity

There is something infinitely better than happily-ever-after. There is happiness. Happiness is a living, dynamic thing, Eve, and has to be worked on every moment for the rest of our lives. It is a far more exciting prospect than that silly static idea of a happily-ever-after. Would you not agree?" - Aidan Bedwyn

Mary Balogh, Slightly Married

Laugh your heart out.

Where do Eskimos train their dogs ?In the mush room !

anisodactyls ENGLISH

A group of herbivorous mammals characterized by having the hoofs in a single series around the foot, as the elephant, …

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inspersion ENGLISH

The act of sprinkling.

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An implement for making holes for sowing seed, and sometimes so formed as to contain seeds and drop them into …

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sagacious ENGLISH

Hence, of quick intellectual perceptions; of keen penetration and judgment; discerning and judicious; knowing; far-sighted; shrewd; sage; wise; as, a …

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villanella ENGLISH

An old rustic dance, accompanied with singing.

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parade ENGLISH

To make an exhibition or spectacle of one's self, as by walking in a public place.

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steerage ENGLISH

The effect of the helm on a ship; the manner in which an individual ship is affected by the helm.

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detraction ENGLISH

The act of taking away from the reputation or good name of another; a lessening or cheapening in the estimation …

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pisaw-pisaw HILIGAYNON

pisáw-písaw - A kind of small tree.

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The title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a distinctive specific appellation, whether of an individual …

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Any part of an inanimate object corresponding to or resembling the neck of an animal

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dangas CEBUANO

dangas v [B1; c1] be inattentive to what one is supposed to be doing. Nagdangas siyang nanáug. Nahúlug hinúun, She …

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deluge ENGLISH

A washing away; an overflowing of the land by water; an inundation; a flood; specifically, The Deluge, the great flood …

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hiás - Decoration, embellishment, adornment, finery, trinket, jewel, jewelry, jewelery; to adorn, decorate, embellish, array, beautify, clothe with more than …

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Ado; bustle; business.

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viennese ENGLISH

An inhabitant, or the inhabitants, of Vienna.

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bellow ENGLISH

To emit with a loud voice; to shout; -- used with out.

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