"Escheat" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


In fendal law. Escheat Is an obstruction of the course of descent, and consequent determination of the tenure, by some unforeseen contingency, in which case the land naturally results back, by a kind of reversion, to the original grantor, or lord of the fee. 2 Bl. Comm. 15; wallace v. Harin-stad, 44 Pa. 501; Marshall v. Lovelass, 1 N. O. 445

escheat ENGLISH

The falling back or reversion of lands, by some casualty
or accident, to the lord of the fee, in consequence of the extinction
of the blood of the tenant, which may happen by his dying without
heirs, and formerly might happen by corruption of blood, that is, by
reason of a felony or attainder.

escheat ENGLISH

To revert, or become forfeited, to the lord, the crown,
or the State, as lands by the failure of persons entitled to hold the
same, or by forfeiture.

escheat ENGLISH

To forfeit.

escheat ENGLISH

Lands which fall to the lord or the State by escheat.

escheat ENGLISH

That which falls to one; a reversion or return

escheat ENGLISH

A writ, now abolished, to recover escheats from the person
in possession.

escheat ENGLISH

The reverting of real property to the State, as original
and ultimate proprietor, by reason of a failure of persons legally
entitled to hold the same.

Few words of positivity

We have no business squatting on other people’s land and we have only ourselves to blame if they take a dim view of it. I mean, c’mon, what would you do if someone barged into our house and just took it over? How would you react? Are you going to say, welcome, intruders, take it all, we’ll gladly confine ourselves to the bathroom. That is, until you want us out of the bathroom as well. Then we will happily kill ourselves and leave you to deal with our bodies as you please. Is that what you would say? Of course not. You would make a complete ruckus. So why are you surprised when other people do the same?

Sonal Panse, The Sunshine Time: Season 1 Episode 5

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What's a blonde's favourite wine?A: "Daaaddy, I want to go to Miaaami!"

rud-aylan CEBUANO

rud-aylan n Rhode Island chicken.

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carpal ENGLISH

One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus; a carpale.

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epicycle ENGLISH

A circle which rolls on the circumference of another circle, either externally or internally.

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ád v [A; ac] add up. Ádun (adun) nátù ni, Lets add this up. Iád ang kwatru ári, Add the …

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histological ENGLISH

Pertaining to histology, or to the microscopic structure of the tissues of living organisms.

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zoopathology ENGLISH

Animal pathology.

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paminaw CEBUANO

pamínaw v {1} [A2S; ab2] listen, hear. Mamínaw ta sa nyús, Lets listen to the news. {1a} [A23; a12] listen, …

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In case that; granting, allowing, or supposing that; -- introducing a condition or supposition.

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To regard or treat with honor, esteem, or respect; to revere; to treat with deference and submission; when used of …

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extacy ENGLISH
gabber ENGLISH

A liar; a deceiver.

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factive ENGLISH

Making; having power to make.

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regelation ENGLISH

The act or process of freezing anew, or together,as two pieces of ice.

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A furlong. Co. Litt 5b

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copeck ENGLISH

A Russian copper coin. See Kopeck.

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daydream ENGLISH

A vain fancy speculation; a reverie; a castle in the air; unfounded hope.

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kurbado TAGALOG

kurbado Definition: (adj) curved

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