"Erthine" is a word in ENGLISH

erthine ENGLISH

A medicine designed to be snuffed up the nose, to promote
discharges of mucus; a sternutatory.

erthine ENGLISH

Causing or increasing secretion of nasal mucus.

Few words of positivity

For me, there is no such thing as a negative experience.

A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Laugh your heart out.

When do men insist that women are illogical?When a woman doesn't agree with them.


n. nasal discharge, mucus. v. /AG-/ to have a running nose, to have much nasal discharge.

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apophlegmatic ENGLISH

Designed to facilitate discharges of phlegm or mucus from mouth or nostrils.

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astringent ENGLISH

A medicine or other substance that produces contraction in the soft organic textures, and checks discharges of blood, mucus, etc.

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blennogenous ENGLISH

Generating mucus.

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blennorrhea ENGLISH

An inordinate secretion and discharge of mucus.

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blenny ENGLISH

A marine fish of the genus Blennius or family Blenniidae; -- so called from its coating of mucus. The species …

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bódhon - Full of mucus (of the nose), running at the nose, snotty (vulgar). (cf. bohód).

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bohód - Mucus, snivel, snot. Pahíri ang bohód mo. Wipe your nose. Indì mo pagsúnghon, kóndì pahíran mo ang bohód …

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n. mucous nasal discharge; mucus. v. /AG-/ to have nasal discharge. adj. /MARA-/ like mucus: said especially of the meat …

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butterfish ENGLISH

A name given to several different fishes, in allusion to their slippery coating of mucus, as the Stromateus triacanthus of …

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catarrh ENGLISH

An inflammatory affection of any mucous membrane, in which there are congestion, swelling, and an altertion in the quantity and …

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cocoon ENGLISH

The egg cases of mucus, etc., made by leeches and other worms.

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duggong ILOKANO
dungot WARAY

Dungot - dried nasal mucus

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dysentery ENGLISH

A disease attended with inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum, and characterized by griping pains, constant desire to …

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expectorant ENGLISH

Tending to facilitate expectoration or to promote discharges of mucus, etc., from the lungs or throat.

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expectoration ENGLISH

That which is expectorated, as phlegm or mucus.

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expectoration ENGLISH

The act of ejecting phlegm or mucus from the throat or lungs, by coughing, hawking, and spitting.

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hagalhal CEBUANO

hagalhal a wheezing sound produced in a throat full of mucus when air passes through. v [A; c1] make a …

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hemorrhoids ENGLISH

Livid and painful swellings formed by the dilation of the blood vessels around the margin of, or within, the anus, …

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