"Epidermeous" is a word in ENGLISH

epidermeous ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

As troubles bring money, money in turn can also bring troubles.

Anthony Liccione

Laugh your heart out.

The politician was sitting at his campaign headquarters when the phone rang. He listened intently, and after a moment his face brightened. When he hung up, he immediately phoned his mother to tell her the good news. "Ma," he shouted, "the results are in. I won the election!" "Honestly?" The politician's smiled faded. "Aw hell, ma, why bring that up at a time like this?"

cuticular ENGLISH

Pertaining to the cuticle, or external coat of the skin; epidermal.

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epiblema ENGLISH

The epidermal cells of rootlets, specially adapted to absorb liquids.

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epiderm ENGLISH
epidermal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the epidermis; epidermic; cuticular.

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epidermic ENGLISH

Epidermal; connected with the skin or the bark.

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hypoderma ENGLISH

A layer of tissue beneath the epidermis in plants, and performing the physiological function of strengthening the epidermal tissue. In …

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keratin ENGLISH

A nitrogenous substance, or mixture of substances, containing sulphur in a loose state of combination, and forming the chemical basis …

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Pertaining to, or giving rise to, the central nervous system and epiderms; as, the neuroepidermal, or epiblastic, layer of the …

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