"Epidemical" is a word in ENGLISH

epidemical ENGLISH

Spreading widely, or generally prevailing; affecting
great numbers, as an epidemic does; as, epidemic rage; an epidemic

epidemical ENGLISH

Common to, or affecting at the same time, a large
number in a community; -- applied to a disease which, spreading widely,
attacks many persons at the same time; as, an epidemic disease; an
epidemic catarrh, fever, etc. See Endemic.

Few words of positivity

For what I am suggesting is that concern for the mysterious is at the heart of the humanities, whereas at the heart of the sciences there is a concern with the problematic. That this is a contrast, and not a dichotomy, is seen in the way in which problem-solving has a place in the humanities—though the most significant kind of problem is one that, in Marcel’s language, ‘conceals a mystery’—and in the complementary way in which some scientists, such as Einstein, have spoken of a deepening sense of awe and wonder awakened in them, an awe and wonder in the presence of the universe, that grows through the advance of the sciences, through the growing success in solving problems. But the contrast remains, and since problem-solving can be successful, whereas contemplation of mystery cannot, there cannot be in the humanities any hope for the sort of success the sciences have known. Nor in theology: and especially not in Christian theology whose central mystery is focused in the birth of a child in a stable, and the death of a man on a cross.

Andrew Louth, Discerning the Mystery: An Essay on the Nature of Theology

Laugh your heart out.

Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning.Class: Hooray!Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon!


This term, in its ordinary and popular meaning, applies to ang disease which is widely spread or generally prevail* ing …

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