"Enmities" is a word in ENGLISH

enmities ENGLISH

of Enmity

Few words of positivity

Your habits can guide you in the direction of your dreams or hold you back from achieving them. Look closely at your daily habits and you can predict your future with accuracy.

Mensah Oteh

Laugh your heart out.

Diner: May I please have a glass of water?Waiter: Why, are you thirsty?Diner: No, I want to see if my neck leaks.

animosity ENGLISH

Violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike.

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bitterness ENGLISH

A state of extreme impiety or enmity to God.

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dumút - Hatred, hate, spite, odium, antipathy, aversion, spleen, acrimony, detestation, animosity, enmity; to hate, abominate, detest, bear malice. May …

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enmity ENGLISH

The quality of being an enemy; hostile or unfriendly disposition.

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enmity ENGLISH

A state of opposition; hostility.

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estrange ENGLISH

To alienate the affections or confidence of; to turn from attachment to enmity or indifference.

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exasperate ENGLISH

To make grievous, or more grievous or malignant; to aggravate; to imbitter; as, to exasperate enmity.

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exasperater ENGLISH

One who exasperates or inflames anger, enmity, or violence.

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The act of extinguishing, putting out, or quenching, or the state of being extinguished; extinction; suppression; destruction; nullification; as, the …

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In Saxon law. Malice; open and deadly hostility; deadly feud. The word designated the enmity between the family of a …

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Remote in affection or obedience; at a distance, morally or spiritually; t enmity with; alienated.

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One who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge, or malice, against another; an enemy.

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grudge ENGLISH

Sullen malice or malevolence; cherished malice, enmity, or dislike; ill will; an old cause of hatred or quarrel.

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heartburning ENGLISH

Discontent; secret enmity.

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incensor ENGLISH

A kindler of anger or enmity; an inciter.

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inimical ENGLISH

Having the disposition or temper of an enemy; unfriendly; unfavorable; -- chiefly applied to private, as hostile is to public, …

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ishmaelite ENGLISH

One at enmity with society; a wanderer; a vagabond; an outcast.

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kaawáyan - Enmity, opposition: enemies. (cf. áway, kasuáyan).

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kaawayón - Cause or origin of a fight or quarrel; enmity, war. (cf. áway, alawayón).

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