"Engleshire" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Engleshire LAW AND LEGAL

A law was made by Canute, for the preservation of his Danes, that, when a man was killed, the hundred or town should be liable to be amerced, unless it conld be proved that the person killed was an Englishman. This proof was called "En-gleshire." 1 Hale, P. C. 447 ; 4 Bl. Comm. 195; Spelman

Few words of positivity

In traditional Asian arts, the word and the picture always sit next to each other. I have an aunt, a Chinese brush painter, who told me that when you do a Chinese brush painting, you have to pair the image up with some poetry.

Gene Luen Yang

Laugh your heart out.

A drunken man was wondering around the parking lot of a bar, bumping into every car and then rubbing the roofs of the cars. The manager comes out of the bar and stops the guy. "What the heck are you doing?" he asks the drunk. "I'm looking for my car, and I can't find it." "So how does feeling the roof help you?" He asked the drunk. "Well," the drunk replied. "MY car has two blue lights and a siren on the roof!!"


-a() {1} a? x added to nouns forming words which refer to a specific one of several: Kanang isdáa, dílì …

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abalen ILOKANO

n. a kind of white larva that lives in the earth and kills plants by gnawing at their roots. ABANIKO …

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achieve ENGLISH

To finish; to kill.

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adonis ENGLISH

A youth beloved by Venus for his beauty. He was killed in the chase by a wild boar.

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ambak n headhunters in Negros of former times who killed strangers to bury with their dead.

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amin v {3} [A; a12] admit a wrong or mistake one has done and be held responsible. Kun aminun nímung …

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ampelite ENGLISH

An earth abounding in pyrites, used by the ancients to kill insects, etc., on vines; -- applied by Brongniart to …

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anaerobies ENGLISH

Microorganisms which do not require oxygen, but are killed by it.

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ananamsi CEBUANO

ananamsi n k. o. small timber tree. anananggal n k. o. unglù who, when under his supernatural spell, detaches the …

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anhi {1} here, in this place. Anhi ibutang ang síya, Put the chair here. {2} lets get to [such-and-such] a …

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antimanu CEBUANO

antimánu v {1} [A; b5c1] do s.t. early before s.t. else hap-pens. Muantimánu kug lakaw arun dílì hiabtan sa ulan, …

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assassin ENGLISH

One who kills, or attempts to kill, by surprise or secret assault; one who treacherously murders any one unprepared for …

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assassinate ENGLISH

To kill by surprise or secret assault; to murder by treacherous violence.

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assassination ENGLISH

The act of assassinating; a killing by treacherous violence.

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avernian ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to Avernus, a lake of Campania, in Italy, famous for its poisonous vapors, which ancient writers fancied …

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áwang - (B) Well, cistern, pithole for bathing or drawing water, water-hole. Also used as a verb. Ginawángan námon ang …

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áwat v [A; a12] part or disengage persons fighting. Awáta sila kay magpatyanay unyà, Break them up because they might …

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babáylan - Sorcerer, wizard, magician, one versed in superstitious practices. Also used as a verb. Ginbabaylanán sang babáylan ang masakít …

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báboy - Pig, swine, pork. Giníhaw níla ang báboy nga pinatámbok. They killed the fattened pig. Makaúyon gid siá sang …

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balibad CEBUANO

balíbad v {1} [A2S; c] refuse s. o. or s.t. Balibáran gánì ku nímu, patyun ta ka, If you turn …

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