"Endo-" is a word in ENGLISH


Alt. of End-

Few words of positivity

If you haven't failed you haven't tried anything new...

Reshma Saujani

Laugh your heart out.

Which astronaut wears the biggest helmet?The one with the biggest head.

towards ENGLISH

In the direction of; to.

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account ENGLISH

A statement of facts or occurrences; recital of transactions; a relation or narrative; a report; a description; as, an account …

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cantoon ENGLISH

A cotton stuff showing a fine cord on one side and a satiny surface on the other.

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taghap CEBUANO

taghap v {1} [A2; a] guess. Taghápa ang ákung ngálan, Guess my name. {2} [A12; b8] hit on the right …

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trashiness ENGLISH

The quality or state of being trashy.

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kinágut - The end, termination or last of anything, as the last grain of rice, the last centavo, etc. (cf. …

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bulukut CEBUANO

bulúkut = balúkut. bulung, búlung v [A; b6(1)] treat with medicine. Bulnga ang samad, Treat the wound. n medicine. mag-r-() …

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tugpa v {1} [B346; b6] for s.t. that flies to land. Mitugpa ang salampáti sa atup, The dove alighted on …

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námì - To be or become nice, agreeable, beautiful. Nagnámì ang íya baláy, kay ginkaáyo níya. His house is now …

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kabit-kabit HILIGAYNON

kabít-kábit - Dim. of kábit. To hang loosely, dangle, shake or swing in suspension. Ang mga kalubáy nagakabítkábit sa palápála. …

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turtling ENGLISH

The act, practice, or art of catching turtles.

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latitant ENGLISH

Lying hid; concealed; latent.

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rack-renter ENGLISH

One who is subjected to paying rack-rent.

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trinsas CEBUANO

trinsas n U-shaped black hairpin for a top-knot or the like. v [AN; b6(1)] use this sort of hairpin. Manrinsas …

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itacolumite ENGLISH

A laminated, granular, siliceous rocks, often occurring in regions where the diamond is found.

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canderos ENGLISH

An East Indian resin, of a pellucid white color, from which small ornaments and toys are sometimes made.

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lumús - Drowned, suffocated (in water or other liquid); to drown, choke, immerse, suffocate; to overpower, overwhelm, overcome. Nasápwan siá …

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partiality ENGLISH

The quality or state of being partial; inclination to favor one party, or one side of a question, more than …

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