"Encounter" is a word in ENGLISH

encounter ENGLISH

A meeting, with hostile purpose; hence, a combat; a
battle; as, a bloody encounter.

encounter ENGLISH

To meet face to face; to have a meeting; to meet,
esp. as enemies; to engage in combat; to fight; as, three armies
encountered at Waterloo.

encounter ENGLISH

A meeting face to face; a running against; a sudden
or incidental meeting; an interview.

encounter ENGLISH

To come against face to face; to meet; to confront,
either by chance, suddenly, or deliberately; especially, to meet in
opposition or with hostile intent; to engage in conflict with; to
oppose; to struggle with; as, to encounter a friend in traveling; two
armies encounter each other; to encounter obstacles or difficulties, to
encounter strong evidence of a truth.

Few words of positivity

The girl's face was the color of talcum. Her uncle's was a death mask, a bone structure overlaid by parchment. Shane's was granite, with a glistening line of sweat just below his hair line. He'd never forget this night, the detective knew, no matter what else happened for the rest of his life. They were all getting scars on their souls, the sort of scars people got in the Dark Ages, when they believed in devils and black magic. ("Speak To Me Of Death")

Cornell Woolrich, The Fantastic Stories of Cornell Woolrich

Laugh your heart out.

When the new patient was settled comfortably on the couch, the physiatrist began his therapy session, "I'm not aware of your problem," the doctor said. "So perhaps, you should start at the very beginning.""Of course." replied the patient. "In the beginning, I created the Heavens and the Earth..."

affront ENGLISH

To front; to face in position; to meet or encounter face to face.

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affront ENGLISH

To face in defiance; to confront; as, to affront death; hence, to meet in hostile encounter.

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To meet in front; to oppose with firmness; to resist, or to meet for the purpose of stopping or opposing; …

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