"Eminent" is a word in ENGLISH

eminent ENGLISH

Being, metaphorically, above others, whether by birth,
high station, merit, or virtue; high in public estimation;
distinguished; conspicuous; as, an eminent station; an eminent
historian, statements, statesman, or saint.

eminent ENGLISH

High; lofty; towering; prominent.

Few words of positivity

When life's problems seem overwhelming look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate.

Ann Landers

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Betsy !Betsy who ?Betsy of all, it's a cadillac !

abdicate ENGLISH

To surrender or relinquish, as sovereign power; to withdraw definitely from filling or exercising, as a high office, station, dignity; …

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depose ENGLISH

To remove from a throne or other high station; to dethrone; to divest or deprive of office.

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descend ENGLISH

To come down to a lower, less fortunate, humbler, less virtuous, or worse, state or station; to lower or abase …

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dignidád - (Sp. dignidad) Dignity, high rank or station, honour, excellence. (cf. kadunggánan, pagkatalahóron, dungúg, pagkahalángdon).

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dignity ENGLISH

Elevated rank; honorable station; high office, political or ecclesiastical; degree of excellence; preferment; exaltation.

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elevate ENGLISH

To raise to a higher station; to promote; as, to elevate to an office, or to a high social position.

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eminence ENGLISH

An elevated condition among men; a place or station above men in general, either in rank, office, or celebrity; social …

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People of rank or high station; as, high and low.

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mám n {1} maam, term of address to a teacher or woman of high station. Maáyung buntag kanímu, mám, Good …

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nobility ENGLISH

The state of being of high rank or noble birth; patrician dignity; antiquity of family; distinction by rank, station, or …

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principality ENGLISH

Sovereignty; supreme power; hence, superiority; predominance; high, or the highest, station.

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quality ENGLISH

Superior birth or station; high rank; elevated character.

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Degree of dignity, eminence, or excellence; position in civil or social life; station; degree; grade; as, a writer of the …

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siniyur CEBUANO

siniyur n title of address for men of high station. short form: nyur {1} Mr. , sir. Si Nyur Pidru …

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sinyuris CEBUANO

sinyúris n term used in direct address: ladies and gentlemen or gentlemen. Atinsiyun, mga sinyúris, Attention, ladies and gentlemen. sinyuríta …

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ubus n {1} beneath. Ubus sa káhuy may táwu nga naglingkud, Beneath the tree there sat a man. {1a} the …

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worthy ENGLISH

Of high station; of high social position.

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