"Embustero" is a word in HILIGAYNON

embustero HILIGAYNON

embustéro - Liar, tale-bearer, tale-teller,
tell-tale, impostor, cheat, trickster,
hypocrite, dissembler. (cf. butigón,
madinayáon, etc.).

Few words of positivity

Some men will never be heroes, some heroes will never be men, he thought, with urgent acknowledgements to Joseph Conrad.

John le Carré, The Russia House

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get from a drunk chicken ? Scotch eggs !


To; up to; till; before; -- used of time; as, he staid until evening; he will not come back until …

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derogatorily ENGLISH

In a derogatory manner; disparagingly.

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fulmination ENGLISH

The act of thundering forth threats or censures, as with authority.

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lámbut - To reach, overtake, attain, obtain. Nalámbut ko siá sa dálan. I overtook him on the road. Indì akó …

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borele ENGLISH

The smaller two-horned rhinoceros of South Africa (Atelodus bicornis).

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anniversary ENGLISH

Returning with the year, at a stated time; annual; yearly; as, an anniversary feast.

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v. /MANG-:-AN/ 1. to chip the rim of the mouth or edge of (a plate, a bowl, a coconut shell, …

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bellerophon ENGLISH

A genus of fossil univalve shells, believed to belong to the Heteropoda, peculiar to the Paleozoic age.

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intersect ENGLISH

To cut into one another; to meet and cross each other; as, the point where two lines intersect.

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Same as Sheeling.

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darken ENGLISH

To cloud, obscure, or perplex; to render less clear or intelligible.

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Production of heat, esp. animal heat.

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willow-wort ENGLISH

Same as Willow-weed.

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notwheat ENGLISH

Wheat not bearded.

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hulút - Room, apartment, chamber. Hulút nga tululugán. A bedchamber. (cf. holót, kwárto).

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dereyne ENGLISH

Same as Darraign.

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brilyantin CEBUANO

brilyantin n brilliantine.

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Of or pertaining to, or according to, lexicography.

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