"Ember Days" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


In ecclesiastical law. Those days which the ancient fathers called "quatuor tempora jejunii" are of great an-tiquity in the church. They are observed on wednesday, Friday, and Saturday next after Quadragesima Sunday, or the first Sunday in Lent, after whitsnntide, Holyrood Day, in September, and SL Lucy’s Day, about the middle of December. Brit c. 53. our alma-nacs call the weeks ln which they fall the “Ember weeks,” and they are now chiefly noticed on account of the ordination of priests and deacons; because the canon appoints the Sundays next after tbe Ember weeks for the solemn times of ordination, though the bishops, if they please, may ordain on any Sun-day or holiday. Enc. Lond

Few words of positivity

I want a future where my children feel safe and appreciated and proud to be who they are. My heart is one with all the Arab Spring heroes, no matter how small they think their role is. I know they believe, like me, that we are working for a world whereby an Arab can live with the other in a respectful and dignified way.

Tawakkol Karman

Laugh your heart out.

Alsation: How come you are always so well behaved when you go on a walk with your master? Chihuahua: It's the leash I can do!

dinominggo ILOKANO

every week, weekly, by the week. KADA DOMINGGO, every week, weekly. DOMINGGO RAMOS, Palm Sunday. DON [f. Sp.], n. 1. …

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dodoomen ILOKANO

see under DOOM. DOKTOR [f. Sp.], n. doctor; physician. --syn. MANGNGAGAS. DOKTRINA [f. Sp.], n. doctrine. DOKUMENTO [dukumέnto; f. Sp.], …

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linggo TAGALOG

linggo Definition: (noun) week 2 Definition: When capitalized, Linggo denotes Sunday.

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monday ENGLISH

The second day of the week; the day following Sunday.

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Rogation Week LAW AND LEGAL

In English ecclesl-astical law. The second week before whit-sunday, thus called from three fasts observed therein, the Monday, Tuesday, and …

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saturday ENGLISH

The seventh or last day of the week; the day following Friday and preceding Sunday.

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súmad n {1} the day exactly one year after a certain event. Ang súmad sa kamatáyun sa ímung amahan mahiatul …

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sunday ENGLISH

The first day of the week, -- consecrated among Christians to rest from secular employments, and to religious worship; the …

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The first day of the week Is designated by this name; also as the “Lord’s Day,” and as the “Sabbath.”

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A period of seven days, usually that reckoned from one Sabbath or Sunday to the next.

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A period of seven consecutive days of time; and, in some uses, the period beginning with Sunday and ending with …

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workyday ENGLISH

A week day or working day, as distinguished from Sunday or a holiday. Also used adjectively.

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