"Ember" is a word in ENGLISH


Making a circuit of the year of the seasons; recurring in
each quarter of the year; as, ember fasts.


A lighted coal, smoldering amid ashes; -- used chiefly in
the plural, to signify mingled coals and ashes; the smoldering remains
of a fire.

Few words of positivity

For I, Sinuhe, am a human being. I have lived in everyone who existed before me and shall live in all who come after me. I shall live in human tears and laughter, in human sorrow and fear, in human goodness and wickedness, in justice and injustice, in weakness and strength. As a human being I shall live eternally in mankind. I desire no offerings at my tomb and no immortality for my name. This was written by Sinuhe, the Egyptian, who lived alone all the days of his life.

Mika Waltari, The Egyptian

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor my husband smells like fishPoor sole!

levantine ENGLISH

A stout twilled silk fabric, formerly made in the Levant.

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kaluyáan - See kalúyà. Also: Things that are tiresome, exhausting or wearying.

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articulated ENGLISH

Produced, as a letter, syllable, or word, by the organs of speech; pronounced.

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Relating to an institution, or institutions.

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polymerize ENGLISH

To cause polymerization of; to produce polymers from; to increase the molecular weight of, without changing the atomic proportions; thus, …

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reverencer ENGLISH

One who regards with reverence.

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consecrate ENGLISH

To render venerable or revered; to hallow; to dignify; as, rules or principles consecrated by time.

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To flatter by approving; to cajole; to impose on; to humbug.

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myositis ENGLISH

Inflammation of the muscles.

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búnglay - A bunch, bundle, package, load (of cogon-grass, etc.). (cf. búgkos, kólo).

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piracy ENGLISH

The act or crime of a pirate.

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labing CEBUANO

lábing a like sweethearts. Lábing kaáyu silang magtiayúna, They are a very loving couple. v [B1] be loving. Malábing ra …

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scabling ENGLISH

A fragment or chip of stone.

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English: adj. hungry Tagalog: gutom

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cockneydom ENGLISH

The region or home of cockneys; cockneys, collectively.

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A Spanish coin formerly current in Ireland, worth abiut 4s. 6d.

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ulúk - Polliwog, tadpole. (olók id). úl-ul, To gnaw, bite, nibble. (cf. úd-ud, ólol).

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weighty ENGLISH

Adapted to turn the balance in the mind, or to convince; important; forcible; serious; momentous.

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