"Elapsed" is a word in ENGLISH

elapsed ENGLISH

of Elapse

Few words of positivity

I was stupid, mad and dead, but the Lord Jesus saved me from my stupidity.

Oppong Amankwaa

Laugh your heart out.

What European capital has the most ghosts? Boodapest!

circumduce ENGLISH

To declare elapsed, as the time allowed for introducing evidence.

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dalagan CEBUANO

dalágan v {1} [A2S; ab3c] for a person to run. Midágan siya kay nahadluk, He ran away because he was …

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dangat CEBUANO

dángat v {1} [A2; b] reach, arrive at a place. Midángat mi sa ámung distínu, We arrived at our destination. …

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elapse ENGLISH

To slip or glide away; to pass away silently, as time; -- used chiefly in reference to time.

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elapsion ENGLISH

The act of elapsing.

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Fin De Non Recevoir LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. An exception or plea founded on law, which, without entering lnto the merits of the actlon, shows …

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Interregnum LAW AND LEGAL

An interval between relgns. The period which elapses between the death of a soverelgn and the election of another. The …

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v. /-UM-/ 1. to pass, go by, move by or past; to pass by or through. Saan kay nga lumabas …

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lubás - (B) To pass, go by, lapse, elapse, expire. Nakalubás na kútub sádto ang pilá ka túig. Several years …

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Missing Ship LAW AND LEGAL

In maritime law. A vessel ls so called when, computed from her known day of sailing, the time that has …

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mitnà n minute. Pipila ka mitnà ang nanglábay únà ku makatín-gug, Several minutes elapsed before I could say a word.

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At a time when no term of the court ls beiug held; ln the vacatlon or interval which elapses between …

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palaligaron HILIGAYNON

palaligarón - (H) That has to—pass,— elapse,—go by; coming, next. Sa túig, pitoádlaw, etc. nga palaligarón. Next year, week, etc. …

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To go by or glide by, as time; to elapse; to be spent; as, their vacation passed pleasantly.

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Of or pertaining to a former time or state; neither present nor future; gone by; elapsed; ended; spent; as, past …

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peridiastole ENGLISH

The almost inappreciable time which elapses between the systole and the diastole of the heart.

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