"Elaine" is a word in ENGLISH

elaine ENGLISH

Alt. of Elain

Few words of positivity

Do not bid your dreams away!

Tyconis D. Allison Ty

Laugh your heart out.

Q. Why did the blonde tip-toe past the medicine cabinet?A. So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills.

mohammedanism ENGLISH

Alt. of Mohammedism

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Given or done by word of mouth; oral; also, given by a writing not under seal; as, parol evidence.

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ringdove ENGLISH

A European wild pigeon (Columba palumbus) having a white crescent on each side of the neck, whence the name. Called …

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caravan ENGLISH

A covered vehicle for carrying passengers or for moving furniture, etc.; -- sometimes shorted into van.

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exhalant ENGLISH

Having the quality of exhaling or evaporating.

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undoubted ENGLISH

Not doubted; not called in question; indubitable; indisputable; as, undoubted proof; undoubted hero.

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To inspect narrowly; to examine and keep watch upon; to watch; to observe.

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kunut n {1} wrinkle, fold in s.t. Daghang kunut ang íyang nawung, She has lots of wrinkles in her face. …

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woefulness ENGLISH

Alt. of Wofulness

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To strip off or separate the hull or hulls of; to free from integument; as, to hull corn.

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banagán - A kind of lobster, crayfish, crawfish; a vine. Its roots are boiled, and the resulting concoction is taken …

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pamangpangon HILIGAYNON

pamangpángon - River bank; lands adjacent to the banks of a river; to be situated—, stretched—, to walk—, along a …

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milma v [B; a] lessen, slow down. Bísan tigúlang na siya wà mumilma ang íyang kusug, Even when he was …

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Modification by a reference to quantity; the introduction of the element of quantity.

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intermarry ENGLISH

To become connected by marriage between their members; to give and take mutually in marriage; -- said of families, ranks, …

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pitlag CEBUANO

pitlag v [A; c1] turn sheets of paper or pages of a book over one by one. Ipitlag (pitlága) nang …

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In international law

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demurely ENGLISH

In a demure manner; soberly; gravely; -- now, commonly, with a mere show of gravity or modesty.

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