"Elaborating" is a word in ENGLISH

elaborating ENGLISH

of Elaborate

Few words of positivity

He wasn’t a pretty boy, his nose was crooked and his grin lopsided, but he had that square-jawed, salt-of-the-earth handsome look that made a girl think of loose-hipped cowboys and demanding Scottish Lairds. And speaking of Scottish Lairds, old mate was a redhead. Usually gingers weren’t her scene but this guy’s hair was the rich coppery-auburn of a fox's pelt. It gleamed like rose gold under the floodlights, his short beard the exact colour as the stuff on his head. Big Red was doing it for her. Big time. And apparently, the feeling was mutual.

Eve Dangerfield, Open Hearts

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a parrot when it has dried itself after a bath? Polly unsaturated!

artifice ENGLISH

Crafty device; an artful, ingenious, or elaborate trick. [Now the usual meaning.]

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The lower part of a complete architectural design, as of a monument; also, the lower part of any elaborate piece …

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corsage ENGLISH

a flower or small arrangement of flowers worn by a person as a personal ornament. Typically worn by women on …

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Gross; thick; dense; coarse; not elaborated or refined.

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curiosity ENGLISH

The state or quality or being curious; nicety; accuracy; exactness; elaboration.

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curious ENGLISH

Exhibiting care or nicety; artfully constructed; elaborate; wrought with elegance or skill.

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damask ENGLISH

Damask silk; silk woven with an elaborate pattern of flowers and the like.

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development ENGLISH

The elaboration of a theme or subject; the unfolding of a musical idea; the evolution of a whole piece or …

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disquisition ENGLISH

A formal or systematic inquiry into, or discussion of, any subject; a full examination or investigation of a matter, with …

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dissertation ENGLISH

A formal or elaborate argumentative discourse, oral or written; a disquisition; an essay; a discussion; as, Dissertations on the Prophecies.

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elaborate ENGLISH

To perfect with painstaking; to improve or refine with labor and study, or by successive operations; as, to elaborate a …

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elaborate ENGLISH

To produce with labor

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elaborate ENGLISH

Wrought with labor; finished with great care; studied; executed with exactness or painstaking; as, an elaborate discourse; an elaborate performance; …

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elaboration ENGLISH

The act or process of producing or refining with labor; improvement by successive operations; refinement.

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elaboration ENGLISH

The natural process of formation or assimilation, performed by the living organs in animals and vegetables, by which a crude …

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elaborative ENGLISH

Serving or tending to elaborate; constructing with labor and minute attention to details.

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elaborator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, elaborates.

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elaboratory ENGLISH

Tending to elaborate.

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finish ENGLISH

The labor required to give final completion to any work; hence, minute detail, careful elaboration, or the like.

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