"Eksamen" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON

eksamen TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) examination, test
Definition: (var) iksamin
Notes: Spanish


eksámen - (Sp. examen) Examination,
disquisition, inquisition, inquiry, search,
investigation; to examine, search, inquire
into, investigate, question.
Pagaeksaménon pa ikáw ukón naeksámen
ka na? Have you still to undergo an
examination or have you been examined?
Exaména siá sa ininglés. Examine him in
English. Examénon mo sing maáyo ang
ímo mga salâ sa walâ pa ang
pagkonpesár mo. Make a good
examination of conscience before going to
confession. (cf. sanghíran, pangusísà).

Few words of positivity

All types of societies are limited by economic factors. Nineteenth century civilization alone was economic in a different and distinctive sense, for it chose to base itself in a motive rarely acknowledged as valid in history of human societies, and certainly never before raised to the level of justification of action and behavior in everyday life, namely, gain. The self-regulating market system was uniquely derived from this principle. The mechanism which the motive gain set in motion was comparable in effectiveness only to the most violent outburst of religious fervor in history. Within a generation the whole human world was subjected to its undiluted influence.

Karl Polanyi

Laugh your heart out.

Strong Winds by Gail Force

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