"Effectuating" is a word in ENGLISH

effectuating ENGLISH

of Effectuate

Few words of positivity

The bird of hope singsPerched on the branches of twilight;Never grieve for anythingFor, the day always follows the night!

Neelam Saxena Chandra

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why didn't Intel call the Pentium the 586?A: Because they added 486 and 100 on the first Pentium and got 585.999983605.

augustinian ENGLISH

One of a class of divines, who, following St. Augustine, maintain that grace by its nature is effectual absolutely and …

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available ENGLISH

Having sufficient power, force, or efficacy, for the object; effectual; valid; as, an available plea.

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effectual ENGLISH

Producing, or having adequate power or force to produce, an intended effect; adequate; efficient; operative; decisive.

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effectually ENGLISH

With effect; efficaciously.

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effectually ENGLISH

Actually; in effect.

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effectualness ENGLISH

The quality of being effectual.

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effectuate ENGLISH

To bring to pass; to effect; to achieve; to accomplish; to fulfill.

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effectuation ENGLISH

Act of effectuating.

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effectuose ENGLISH

Alt. of Effectuous

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efficiency ENGLISH

The quality of being efficient or producing an effect or effects; efficient power; effectual agency.

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energy ENGLISH

Power efficiently and forcibly exerted; vigorous or effectual operation; as, the energy of a magistrate.

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An authoritative command or order to do something; an effectual decree.

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forbid ENGLISH

To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual command; as, an impassable river forbids the approach of the …

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Forthcoming LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. The action by which an arrestment (garnish-ment) is made effectual. It is a decree or process by …

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fulfill ENGLISH

To accomplish or carry into effect, as an intention, promise, or prophecy, a desire, prayer, or requirement, etc.; to complete …

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1. Valld; sufliclent in law; effectual ; unobjectionable

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insecure ENGLISH

Not effectually guarded, protected, or sustained; unsafe; unstable; exposed to danger or loss.

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