"Ectosarc" is a word in ENGLISH

ectosarc ENGLISH

The semisolid external layer of protoplasm in some
unicellular organisms, as the amoeba; ectoplasm; exoplasm.

Few words of positivity

Magda looks at me as if I've gone mad. Or I've grown up. It's kind of the same thing.

Victoria Schwab, The Near Witch

Laugh your heart out.

A man had been driving all night and by morning was still far from his destination. He decided to stop at the next city he came to, and park somewhere quiet so he could get an hour or two of sleep. As luck would have it, the quiet place he chose happened to be on one of the city's major jogging routes. No sooner had he settled back to snooze when there came a knocking on his window. He looked out and saw a jogger running in place. "Yes?" "Excuse me, sir," the jogger said, "do you have the time?" The man looked at the car clock and answered, "8:15". The jogger said thanks and left. The man settled back again, and was just dozing off when there was another knock on the window and another jogger. "Excuse me, sir, do you have the time?" "8:25!" The jogger said thanks and left. Now the man could see other joggers passing by and he knew it was only a matter of time before another o ne disturbed him. To avoid the problem, he got out a pen and paper and put a sign in his window saying, "I do not know the time!" Once again he settled back to sleep. He was just dozing off when there was another knock on the window. "Sir, sir? It's 8:45!."

bitumen ENGLISH

By extension, any one of the natural hydrocarbons, including the hard, solid, brittle varieties called asphalt, the semisolid maltha and …

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coagulate ENGLISH

To cause (a liquid) to change into a curdlike or semisolid state, not by evaporation but by some kind of …

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crassamentum ENGLISH

A semisolid mass or clot, especially that formed in coagulation of the blood.

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hecdecane ENGLISH

A white, semisolid, spermaceti-like hydrocarbon, C16H34, of the paraffin series, found dissolved as an important ingredient of kerosene, and so …

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hyoscine ENGLISH

An alkaloid found with hyoscyamine (with which it is also isomeric) in henbane, and extracted as a white, amorphous, semisolid …

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petrolatum ENGLISH

A semisolid unctuous substance, neutral, and without taste or odor, derived from petroleum by distilling off the lighter portions and …

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semisolid ENGLISH

Partially solid.

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In mammals, a fluid excretion from the kidneys; in birds and reptiles, a solid or semisolid excretion.

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