"Economy" is a word in ENGLISH

economy ENGLISH

Thrifty and frugal housekeeping; management without loss
or waste; frugality in expenditure; prudence and disposition to save;
as, a housekeeper accustomed to economy but not to parsimony.

economy ENGLISH

The management of domestic affairs; the regulation and
government of household matters; especially as they concern expense or
disbursement; as, a careful economy.

economy ENGLISH

The system of rules and regulations by which anything is
managed; orderly system of regulating the distribution and uses of
parts, conceived as the result of wise and economical adaptation in the
author, whether human or divine; as, the animal or vegetable economy;
the economy of a poem; the Jewish economy.

economy ENGLISH

Orderly arrangement and management of the internal affairs
of a state or of any establishment kept up by production and
consumption; esp., such management as directly concerns wealth; as,
political economy.

Few words of positivity

Why, if you only knew the secrets to which I'm p

Brandon Sanderson, Warbreaker

Laugh your heart out.

What is green, sooty and whistles when it rubs its back legs together ?Chimney Cricket !

agronomy ENGLISH

The management of land; rural economy; agriculture.

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economical ENGLISH

Relating to domestic economy, or to the management of household affairs.

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economically ENGLISH

With economy; with careful management; with prudence in expenditure.

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economize ENGLISH

To manage with economy; to use with prudence; to expend with frugality; as, to economize one's income.

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frugality ENGLISH

The quality of being frugal; prudent economy; that careful management of anything valuable which expends nothing unnecessarily, and applies what …

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housewive ENGLISH

To manage with skill and economy, as a housewife or other female manager; to economize.

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husband ENGLISH

One who manages or directs with prudence and economy; a frugal person; an economist.

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husband ENGLISH

To direct and manage with frugality; to use or employ to good purpose and the best advantage; to spend, apply, …

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husbandable ENGLISH

Capable of being husbanded, or managed with economy.

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husbandry ENGLISH

Care of domestic affairs; economy; domestic management; thrift.

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manager ENGLISH

A person who conducts business or household affairs with economy and frugality; a good economist.

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matron ENGLISH

A housekeeper; esp., a woman who manages the domestic economy of a public instution; a head nurse in a hospital; …

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To manage with care and economy, with a view to increase; as, to nurse our national resources.

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providence ENGLISH

Prudence in the management of one's concerns; economy; frugality.

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thrive ENGLISH

To prosper by industry, economy, and good management of property; to increase in goods and estate; as, a farmer thrives …

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