"Ecclesiastic" is a word in ENGLISH

ecclesiastic ENGLISH

A person in holy orders, or consecrated to the
service of the church and the ministry of religion; a clergyman; a

ecclesiastic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the church. See

Few words of positivity

There is nothing loving about encouraging fear. Nothing. Fear leads to darkness, depression, anger, irrationality, anxiety, consternation, unrest, and ultimately, destruction. Fear, as Yoda reminds us all, is the path to the Dark Side. Fear is a weapon, not a productive tool. Fear is a means of control. Fear should never be the basis for why anyone does anything regarding the health of the mind, body, and spirit.

Michael Vito Tosto, Portrait of an Infidel: The Acerbic Account of How a Passionate Christian Became an Ardent Atheist

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?A: "Dead ant, Dead Ant ... Dead ant, Dead Ant .. Dead Ant"(to the tune of Pink Panther theme).


ábang - To take within range or sweep (of fire, etc.). Sang pagkasúnug sang baláy ni Fuláno naábang man ang …

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Father; religious superior; -- in the Syriac, Coptic, and Ethiopic churches, a title given to the bishops, and by the …

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The church of a monastery.

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The Patriarch, or head of the Abyssinian Church.

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abyssinian ENGLISH

A member of the Abyssinian Church.

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a cappella ENGLISH

In church or chapel style; -- said of compositions sung in the old church style, without instrumental accompaniment; as, a …

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acolyte ENGLISH

One who has received the highest of the four minor orders in the Catholic church, being ordained to carry the …

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An inferior mlnistrant or servant ln the ceremonies of the church, whose duties are to follow and wait upon the …

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adhere ENGLISH

To hold, be attached, or devoted; to remain fixed, either by personal union or conformity of faith, principle, or opinion; …

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adherent ENGLISH

One who adheres; one who adheres; one who follows a leader, party, or profession; a follower, or partisan; a believer …

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admission ENGLISH

Declaration of the bishop that he approves of the presentee as a fit person to serve the cure of the …

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adórno - (Sp. adorno) Adornment, ornamentation, decoration, embellishment; to ornament, adorn, embellish, decorate. Butangí sing mga adórno ang simbáhan or …

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Ad Ostium Ecclesls LAW AND LEGAL

At the door of the church, one of the five species of dower formerly recognized by the English law. 1 …

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Certain articles or ordinances drawn up by Archbishop Parker and some of tbe bishops in 1564, at the request of …

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In old English law. A patroness; a woman who had the rlght of presenting to a church. Spelman

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Advocati Ecclesls LAW AND LEGAL

A term used ln the ecclesiastical law to denote the introns of churches who presented to the liv-ing on an …

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Advocatione Decimarum LAW AND LEGAL

A writ which lay for tithes, demanding the fourth part or upwards, that belonged to any church.

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advowson ENGLISH

The right of presenting to a vacant benefice or living in the church. [Originally, the relation of a patron (advocatus) …

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In English ecclesiastical law. The right of presentation to a church or ecclesiastical benefice; the right of pre-seutlng a fit …

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agád - Notwithstanding, in spite of, still, but yet, contrary to what one would expect, in defiance of all one …

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