"Dyspepsy" is a word in ENGLISH

dyspepsy ENGLISH

A kind of indigestion; a state of the stomach in which its
functions are disturbed, without the presence of other diseases, or, if
others are present, they are of minor importance. Its symptoms are loss
of appetite, nausea, heartburn, acrid or fetid eructations, a sense of
weight or fullness in the stomach, etc.

Few words of positivity

Seize the moments that are before you instead of planning for future moments that get lost in the abyss of time.

Orly Wahba, Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts

Laugh your heart out.

One day a blond went out to check her mail box. There was nothing in it. Her neighbor who was also out there gives her a weird look.An hour later she goes back out to her mailbox and goes back in cause there was nothing in it and her neighbor goes "What the hell is she doing?"An hour later she goes back out side and looks in the mailbox and there is nothing in it. Finally the neighbor gets curious enough to ask her what she is doing. The blone says, "My stupid computer keeps saying you've got mail."

abdomen ENGLISH

The belly, or that part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis. Also, the cavity of the belly, …

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abomasus ENGLISH

The fourth or digestive stomach of a ruminant, which leads from the third stomach omasum. See Ruminantia.

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absorbent ENGLISH

Any substance which absorbs and neutralizes acid fluid in the stomach and bowels, as magnesia, chalk, etc.; also a substance …

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To exert power; to produce an effect; as, the stomach acts upon food.

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agastric ENGLISH

Having to stomach, or distinct digestive canal, as the tapeworm.

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agúlù v [A2S] groan, moan. Ngánung nag-agúlù man ka, may sakit ka ba sa tiyan? Why are you groaning? Do …

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aguntu CEBUANO

aguntù v [A] emit a short grunt when hit in the pit of the stom-ach or when exerting an e? …

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ahát - To do something prematurely, before the regular or proper time or even against one’s inclination. Ahatá lang ang …

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alipunga CEBUANO

alipunga, alipungà n {1} eczema caused by allergy. {2} athletes foot. v [a4] get a rash or athletes foot. Alipungahun …

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aliyupyup CEBUANO

aliyupyup n shrub of clearings: Pseuderantheum bicolor. The leaves are used for uterine bleeding and roots and trunk for stomach …

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amapulun CEBUANO

amapúlun n blood clots in the womb after delivery. v [b4] have blood clots in the womb after delivery. Giamapúnan …

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ampiyun CEBUANO

ampiyun n a small tree that bears large yellow flowers and large black pods reaching 40 cm. The pulp found …

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anak n son, daughter. sa búhat {1} laborer. {2} accustomed to hard work. Way báli kanà, kay anak man aku …

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andayag CEBUANO

andáyag n medicine of snake feces, herbs, bark for stomach com-plaints.

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anenterous ENGLISH

Destitute of a stomach or an intestine.

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n. wind, draft, current of air. v. /AG-/ to have a wind, to produce a wind. /MAI-/ to be blown …

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animal ENGLISH

An organized living being endowed with sensation and the power of voluntary motion, and also characterized by taking its food …

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antacid ENGLISH

A remedy for acidity of the stomach, as an alkali or absorbent.

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antestomach ENGLISH

A cavity which leads into the stomach, as in birds.

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antidote ENGLISH

A remedy to counteract the effects of poison, or of anything noxious taken into the stomach; -- used with against, …

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