"Dyorangka" is a word in TAGALOG

dyorangka TAGALOG

Definition: Tagalog slang for a person who is frank
Definition: (salitang balbal) prangka

Few words of positivity

I think I realized intellectually at that point, watching the city slowly give way to the last vestiges of parkland and then the black spruce forests of the North, that I could come back to the land deeply fearful, or I could choose to see it as a place of healing. Pain colours us; we carry it behind our eyes for a long time after it’s passed. At some point, we have to decide whether we’re willing to let it take over our lives and change them permanently, or whether we’re going to wrench ourselves open again to the world. I couldn’t make that choice in the city.

Jenna Butler, A Profession of Hope: Farming on the Edge of the Grizzly Trail

Laugh your heart out.

Which political discussions between the Russians and Americans keenly interest Burger Land citizens?The SALT talks!

affluent ENGLISH

Flowing to; flowing abundantly.

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ceaseless ENGLISH

Without pause or end; incessant.

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profession ENGLISH

The act of professing or claiming; open declaration; public avowal or acknowledgment; as, professions of friendship; a profession of faith.

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phyllophagan ENGLISH

One of a group of marsupials including the phalangists.

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puff-leg ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of beautiful humming birds of the genus Eriocnemis having large tufts of downy feathers on …

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formula ENGLISH

A prescribed or set form; an established rule; a fixed or conventional method in which anything is to be done, …

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interscapular ENGLISH

Pertaining to the upper back, or the part between the shoulders; as, the interscapular feathers.

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kógkog - A kind of bird.

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Of or pertaining to physiography.

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augmentation ENGLISH

The thing added by way of enlargement.

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diverseness ENGLISH

The quality of being diverse.

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drainage ENGLISH

The act, process, or means of drawing off the pus or fluids from a wound, abscess, etc.

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outfitter ENGLISH

One who furnishes outfits for a voyage, a journey, or a business.

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compeer ENGLISH

s so called by way of dlstlnction from the New Natura Brevium of Fitzherbert, and is generally cited as “O. …

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tymbal ENGLISH

A kind of kettledrum.

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bandéha - (Sp. bandeja) Waiter, tray, plate or small dish for serving biscuits, sweetmeats, materials for smoking and the like.

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aspirate ENGLISH

A sound consisting of, or characterized by, a breath like the sound of h; the breathing h or a character …

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