"Dul-It" is a word in CEBUANO

dul-it CEBUANO

dul-it v [A; ac] touch the tip or end of s.t.
to s.t.
Dihay midul-it (nagdul-it) ug báraw sa íyang likud, S.
poked a dagger in his back.
Dul-ítun ta ning duha ka lamísa, Lets join the two tables at their ends.

Few words of positivity

Draw great strength from your family and give in turn to those who come after you.

Janet Reno

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Bolzano !Bolzano who ?Bolzano the door !

amount ENGLISH

To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or influence; to be equivalent; to come practically (to); as, the testimony …

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ginglymoid ENGLISH

Alt. of Ginglymoidal

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panúgud - Freq. of súgud—to begin, etc.

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tenant ENGLISH

To hold, occupy, or possess as a tenant.

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ápok - To fly or jump off as a chip of wood, stone, etc. Naapókan akó sang napíngas nga bató. …

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Same as Leptocardia.

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A piece of copper, screwed into a gun, through which the venthole is bored.

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polycystine ENGLISH

One of the Polycystina.

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personal ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a particular person; relating to, or affecting, an individual, or each of many individuals; peculiar or …

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talbot ENGLISH

A sort of dog, noted for quick scent and eager pursuit of game.

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Moving in a circle; turning round.

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wheremaster ENGLISH

One keeps or procures whores for others; a pimp; a procurer.

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Silentiarius LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. one of tlie prlvy council; also an usher, who sees good rule and silence kept in court, …

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Intimidation LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. Ev-ery person commits a misdemeanor, punish-able with a flne or Imprisonment, who wrong-fully uses vlolence to or …

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A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands, consisting of hydrous silicate of aluminium. It …

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superfine ENGLISH

Very fine, or most fine; being of surpassing fineness; of extra nice or fine quality; as, superfine cloth.

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